Please answer the following question in English.Why does Hispanic Heritage Month start on September 15th? Why do we have this celebration in the United States?

When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect.

You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed:
á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡


Answer 1
Answer: I'm Mexican, and our independence day is September 16, 1810. But when the Mexicans striked "treson" to Spain was the 15th. In Mexico we call it "El Grito De Dolores." Mexico wasn't the only country that got it's independence that day. El Salvador also got it's indipendence from Spain the same day. And a lot of hispanic countries did too, thats why Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15th, because of their independence day.

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Antibióticos belongs to the category of compound words


Anti   bióticos

Are two simple words that come together and generate a new word. A compound word

1. ser / ocho y media / noche 2. Eva / leer en el sofá / cuando / el teléfono / sonar (ring)
3. (ella) levantarse / y contestar / el teléfono
4. (ella) oír / la voz / de su mejor amiga
5. la amiga / estar / en el bar de la esquina (corner) / y querer hablarle


1. Eran las ocho y media de la noche.
2. Eva estaba leyendo en el sofá cuando el teléfono sonó.
3. Ella se levanto y contesto el teléfono.
4. Ella oyó la voz de su mejor amiga.
5. La amiga estaba en el bar de la esquina y quiso hablarle.

PLS I NEED HELP FROM A FLUENT SPANISH SPEAKER!!! Requirements for your presentation.• Use one regular preterite tense verb to describe one nutritional choice you made last
month to stay healthy.
• Use one regular preterite tense verb to describe one exercise you did last month to
stay healthy
• Use one irregular preterite tense verb to describe one way you relaxed last month to
stay healthy
• Include at least three vocabulary words.
2 Finalize your oral presentation.


What are the vocabulary words you have to use?

My friends and i ____________________ pepe's party. i go you come on from



Went to.  


My friends and i ________went to____________ pepe's party.

Pretend you and your family are traveling to South America. Please choose a place of interest in a city from Ecuador. Write a short description of the place of interest you and your family are going to travel to and an activity you are going to do there. You are going to also describe how you feel when you travel and your plans. Write two (2) complete Spanish sentences. Include the following details in your description, using only material learned from this lesson/course:You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿.

*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.

Write one (1) complete Spanish sentence stating where you and your family are going in Ecuador and what you and your family are going to do there. Remember to use the correct form of the verb ir + a + infinitive and the conjunction y to join them. (e.g., My family and I are going to Guayaquil, Ecuador, and we are going to walk around the gardens on the boardwalk.)
Write one (1) complete Spanish sentence using at least two feelings to describe either your feelings about going on vacation or about something you are going to do there. Remember to use the yo form of the verb sentirse.
hint: Sentirse is a reflexive and a stem-changing verb. (e.g., I feel a little nervous about flying on a plane, but I feel excited about whitewater rafting on the river.)



Ya mañana es el día en el que mi familia y yo viajaremos a Ecuador. Visitaremos la capital llamada Quito. Me emociona mucho el hecho de poder viajar a Latinoamérica y conocer una cultura totalmente distinta a la mía. Tenemos planeado visitar el volcán Quilotoa. Me parece una actividad increíble para hacer en familia ya que los alrededores de ese lugar se miran asombrosos. ¡Estoy seguro/a de que este viaje sera inolvidable!


Can you Translate: A Jorge le gusta la clase de educación física porque le gusta


In English it means ''A Jorge likes physical education class because he likes''.
The physical education class like George because he likes

A Jorge likes physical education class because he likes

To Jorge likes the physical education class because you like