Which is an effect of short-term exposure to stress?


Answer 1
Answer: Common symptoms of stress include:A fast heartbeat.A headache.A stiff neck and/or tight shoulders.Back pain. Fast breathing.Sweating, and sweaty palms. An upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea. Over time, stress can affect your:1Immune system. Constant stress can make you more likelyto get sick more often. And if you have a chronic illness such as AIDS,stress can make your symptoms worse.Heart. Stress is linked to high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), blood clots, and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). It's also linked to coronary artery disease, heart attack, and heart failure.
Answer 2

A short term exposure to stress can cause improved performance.

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Will give Brainiest!! 1:Lungs function as part of the __________ system and the __________ system.

circulatory; endocrine
digestive; musculoskeletal
excretory; respiratory
immune; reproductive

2:What is the difference between an artery and a vein?

An artery carries blood away from the heart; a vein carries blood to the heart.
An artery is responsible for carrying blood; a vein is responsible for gas exchange.
An artery is responsible for gas exchange; a vein is responsible for carrying blood.
An artery carries blood to the heart; a vein carries blood away from the heart.

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4:Read the following summary, which describes blood flow and heart output in space. Then, answer the question.

The heart doesn't have to do as much work to pump blood when in orbit. After only one day beyond Earth's gravity, astronauts have a lower blood volume. They can lose as much as 20 percent of their blood volume while on a space mission. Since the body has less blood to push around and the heart is pushing more blood with each beat, an astronaut's heart rate also slows down to compensate.

What process is being described?


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1. C
3. Respiratory
Sorry I didn't know all of them, hope this helps!
excretory; respiratory

An artery carries blood away from the heart; a vein carries blood to the heart.

What occurs during the female's menstrual cycle?


During the females menstrual cycle, the lining of her uterus sheds all the extra tissue that her body created for a fertilized egg. The egg passes through the uterus and does not attach to the wall of the uterus if not fertilized, causing the tissue created for that reason to shed which is what caused all the "Bleeding", which is actually body tissue. 
mostly bleeding and vatigue

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Movable joints allow the body to make wide range of movements an example could
be the Stern I claviculae joint your welcome :)
move able joints let the body be able to move a lot and be very flexible

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they should be tested for hepatitis

 symptoms of hepatitis 
Some have no symptoms. When symptoms occur, they can include yellow skin or eyes (jaundice), nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and fever.

Answer: Hepatitis B is the correct answer

Explanation: Edge2020

Outline and explain the multi-store model of memory


The multi-store model of memory is a conceptual idea about how memory in our species works.

In short, the multi-store model of memory proposes three different types of memory - Sensory memory; very short, few second long stimulus retainment of what we see and what we're actually attentive towards. This is then forwarded to what we call short-term memory where memory is being stored for a bit longer. With information we're storing in short-term memory we then transfer it to the so called long-term memory where supposedly it can stay for very long. 


The multi store model of memory theory was first developed by Richard Atkinson and Shiffrin. There are three different memory stores in the theory: sensory memory, short term memory and also the long-term memory. They all differentiate from each other by their capacities and duration. Information is processed through our sensory memory first (what we sense, the first piece of information gathered) and is then passed onto the short term memory, where the information it has received only stays for a short amount of time, this is unless it is rehearsed continuously, then it will go to the long term memory where the information is stored and is rehearsed again and again to make sure it stays in the LTM.

The sensory memory is all of the information from your senses, it has a duration of 0-2 seconds unless you pay attention to it. Short term memory is where memory is stored for a short period unless it is rehearsed, it has a duration of 18-30 seconds and a capacity of 7+/-2 (7 items). Finally, the long-term memory is the final store of the multistore memory model, duration is infinite unless forgotten, and capacity is also unlimited / infinite. Both the STM and LTM need to be constantly rehearsed otherwise they will be forgotten; this is according to the multistore model.

A Strength of the multi store model of memory is that it is supported by research, for example, Baddeley shows that sometimes we mix up words that sound similar when we use our STM, whereas we mix up words that have similar meanings in the LTM. This is a strength because it tells us the coding in STM is acoustic and coding in LTM is semantic. Meaning they are different; this supports the view that STM and LTM are two memory stores and are separate and independent.

Another strength to the MSM is that it gives us a good understanding of the structure and process of the STM. Allowing researchers to expand on this model. This gives researchers the opportunity to do more experiments on how to improve the MSM and make it more valid. Therefore, the model is influential and gives researchers more opportunity to generate a lot more research into memory.

According to the MSM, what matters is the rehearsal and the amount of rehearsal you do. The more you rehearse the more information that will be stored into the long-term memory and remembered for a long time. But, according to Craik and Watkins, this is wrong. What actually matters is the type of rehearsal done. There are two types of rehearsal: maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. The Maintenance Rehearsal is described in the MSM, it does not help with rehearsing in the LTM, only the STM. Elaborative rehearsal is used for the LTM, referring to when you link information to the knowledge you already have. This is a weakness because the MSM cannot explain this research.


how many cups are you suppose to drink if your mouth is burning after eating a big bag of hot fries and what to drink?


you should drink 1 cup of milk

I've learned that dairy helps cool things down, while water does nothing, so drinking milk would probably help. Many people go straight for water after eating something very hot and spicy, but the truth is that water keeps your mouth on fire. Milk doesn't - It cools down immediately :D