How can you ensure that your argument is credible?A. By attacking your opponent
B. By appealing to emotions
C. By avoiding logical fallacies
D. By using only facts and evidence


Answer 1

The right answer is "D. By using only facts and evidence"

For the argument to be reliable it is necessary to use consistent and well-founded facts and evidence, since they are stronger and more convincing. The author of the argument has to inform the listener of the reasons that led him to take a certain position, avoiding superficial or unjustified motives, such as: "because nobody I know disagrees," "because I have heard", "because everyone thinks so "," because in the neighborhood everyone says "etc.

Answer 2
Answer: The correct answer is C.

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Match the Latin prefix with its opposite.1. contra-


2. mini-


3. post-


4. mal-


5. ab-


6. sen-


7. extra-


8. sub-


9. ex-




1. contra-, co-

2. mini-, magn-

3. post-, pre-

4. mal-, bene-

5. ab-, ad-

6. sen-, neo-

7. extra-intra

8. sub-, super-

9. ex-, em-


1) against (as opposed in will or intention) and with (together); 2) small and large; 3) after and before; 4) bad and good; 5) away from and to/towards; 6) old (aged) and new (young or recent); 7) outside and inside; 8) below and above; 9) out of something and into something.

Final answer:

Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. The opposite of each Latin prefix is provided.


Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. The Latin prefixes and their opposites are:

  1. contra- (meaning against) is the opposite of super- (meaning above or beyond).
  2. mini- (meaning small) is the opposite of intra- (meaning within).
  3. post- (meaning after) is the opposite of pre- (meaning before).
  4. mal- (meaning bad) is the opposite of bene- (meaning good).
  5. ab- (meaning away) is the opposite of ad- (meaning towards).
  6. extra- (meaning outside) is the opposite of co- (meaning together).
  7. sub- (meaning under) is the opposite of neo- (meaning new).
  8. ex- (meaning out) is the opposite of magn- (meaning great).

Learn more about Latin prefixes and their opposites here:


If you look at brighter side of life it means you


Look on the positive things in life, rather than focusing something in a negative light.
Are an optimist or optimistic.

2) Recently your school organised a presentation on 'Effect of pollution on quality oflife'. As the editor of the school magazine, you were requested to write a report on

the event and suggestions to improve this event. Make sure you give the purpose

of the report and conclude by saying how successful you think the event was



Recently our school decided to get involved in environmental causes. This effort began within the school itself, in an event called "Effect of pollution on quality of life," which showed students how pollution has been harmful and how it should be resolved as quickly as possible.

By observing all the photos and comments about the event, which has been taking over the entire school throughout the week, we can see that the event was a success, as it managed to make the entire school staff and all members of the school recognize that combating pollution is essential and must be taken on by us, ordinary teenagers who will experience the results of environmental destruction in the not-too-distant future.

I believe that the greatest proof of the success of this event has been the formation of groups within the school, which are organizing to promote beach cleaning, selective collection, environmental education in their communities, among other ways to help nature to get rid of pollution.

This is a small step to make our students more aware, but it is a big step to create a cleaner and more comfortable future where we will all be greatly favored.

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What book or story is it?

Which of the following depicted moral allegories? miracle plays
mystery plays
morality plays
Egyptian drama
Greek drama
Roman drama


The correct answer is morality plays. Usually they would feature a character go on a journey and meet epitomes of moral values who would help him become a better man.


morality plays.


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