Operation Barbarossa was the Nazi German military invasion of A. China.
B. France.
C. U.S.S.R.
D. Great Britain


Answer 1
Answer: Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the German military invasion of U.S.S.R (Soviet Union). The invasion was launched on June 22, 1941. Hitler stated that "when the attack on Russia starts, the world will hold its breath." Once winter came around in Russia, German operations were abandoned. Hitler's plan had failed, which was to take control of the Soviet Union before winter.
Answer 2

Answer:  C. The USSR


Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a mutual non-aggression pact in 1939, pledging not to go to war with one another for the next ten years.  But in 1941, Hitler broke his non-aggression pact with Stalin and invaded Soviet territory.  The German invasion ordered by Hitler was massive way, intending to secure a quick victory.  Germany  sent over 3 million soldiers, and 3,000 tanks were involved in the attack.  The German generals had predicted that they could win in 10 weeks' time.  As we know, that didn't happen, and the war on the Eastern front between Germany and the USSR became the bloodiest theater of war in World War II.

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What was a negative of the 1933 National Industry Recovery Act?


A negative effect of the 1933 National Industry Revovery Act was: employees spying on employers.

The National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA) was passed during the Great Depression as a way to try to get American businesses back onto solid footing.  But it was an overreach.  It did give employees the right to collective bargaining with employers -- but that was a good thing.  The bad thing was how the  NIRA pushed and sometimes forced industries to operate in government-sanctioned alliances or cartels.  (This was similar to actions that had been taken in Mussolini's fascist Italy.)  Antitrust laws were suspended in this process.  In effect, this meant the government was encouraging industries to set fixed prices, wages, and production levels.  Much of this was enforced by the National Recovery Administration (NRA), created by an executive order from President Roosevelt following the passage of the NIRA.  The Blue Eagle symbol was used as the emblem of the NRA.  Businesses were to have a Blue Eagle sign in their windows saying, “We Do Our Part.” That was meant to show that each business adhered to the set price and production codes.  Citizen committees then engaged in spying on local businesses and report them to authorities if they violated pricing agreements by trying to sell at lower than the set prices.

A Supreme Court case in 1935, A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, ultimately decided that the provisions of the NIRA and the actions of the NRA were unconstitutional.

The biggest negative for the average American following the implementation of NIRA was the infamous section 7(a) of the act, which guaranteed the right the workers' right to organize unions. Although labour unions in of themselves are not inherently bad, the sweeping protections guaranteed by the act lead to a wave of general strikes across the United States as unions felt the government was now on their side in their fight for better wages and working conditions. Because of this, the NIRA actually ironically hurt American industry for a short period of time.
Politically, the NIRA was also a big negative for Franklin D Roosevelt's Democrats as it caused a decline in support for Roosevelt's "New Deal" economic programs which had been a central part of his campaign platform in the 1932 US presidential election.

The bombing campaign between January 1943 and May 1945 did not destroy Germany’s economy or undermine German morale, but it did destroy many aircraft factories, wrecked the railroad system, and caused a severe

a.water shortage.c.oil shortage.b.ecological crisis.d.political scandal.


In all, the american bombing campaign was aimed at destorying German war production. 

Need help with literature!!Hamlet act 1 questions

which characters are guessing about the behaviors of others in the first act? how are the characters testing each other?


- Which characters are guessing about the behaviors of others in the first act?

- Horatio is guessing about the behavior of the soldiers (Bernardo and Francisco). he believes they are imagining things about seeing a ghost.

- Queen Gertrude is guessing that her son Hamlet is only depressed bout his father's dead.

- Hamlet is guessing that all the public displays of mourning by Claudius are fake manifestations of emotion and that he only cares about the power of being King of Denmark and the pleasure of having taken Queen Gertrude as his wife. Hamlet is also guessing that his mother does not care about King Hamlet's death and is only happy to have a new husband share her bed. Furthermore, Hamlet is initially guessing about his own grief. Something bothers him enormously about the whole situation. He distrusts Claudius viscerally yet he is also uncertain of his own thoughts and emotions and even contemplates suicide. When he meets the Ghost he does not immediately accept the Ghost's accusation but decides to put King Claudius under surveillance and find out the truth.

- Claudius is guessing about Hamlet's moroseness as just being infantile emotional affectation.

- Laertes is guessing about Hamlet's affection for Ophelia to be just plain lust disguised as love.

- Polonius also thinks that Hamlet's feelings for Ophelia are only physical desire and considers that Ophelia's feelings for Hamlet are only childlish illusions.

- how are the characters testing each other?

- Horatio submits the soldiers to the production of actual evidence. He only believes them when he sees the Ghost himself. He even has the soldiers attack the ghost with spears to see if it is really a ghost.

- Being tested by Horatio, the soldiers ask him to test the Ghost since they respect him for being a scholar and they want him to use his knowledge to make sure what they have seen is not a figment of their imagination.

- Hamlet decides, after speaking with the Ghost, to test Claudius by feigning madness induced by grief, until he is able to prove or disprove the Ghost's accusations.

The entire act is a warning about how appearances can be deceiving.


Which of the following is a form of indirect lobbying? Calling government leaders to ask for support Contacting local elected officials by email Mailing advertisements to the public Meeting with lawmakers


Answer: Mailing advertisements to the public.

Lobbying is the attempt to influence the actions of decisions of policy makers or regulatory agencies. Lobbyists include private citizens as well as professional lobbying agencies. In this case, the only example of indirect lobbying is mailing advertisements to the public. This is because it is the only example in which lobbyists are not directly contacting policy makers.

Mailing advertisements to the public is a form of indirect lobbying because they aren't directly personalizing their form of contact to the person. In all the other cases, it is one on one.

What event led to Theodore Roosevelt becoming President? A. Elections were rigged in several states. B. The election was tied and a re-vote resulted in Roosevelt''s presidency. C. President William McKinley was assassinated. D. President William McKinley was impeached.


c) PRESIDENT William McKinley was assassinated.

hope it helps
C. president william mckinely was assassinated