_____ is a single-issue interest group. a. The American Bar Association
b. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
c. The National Education Association
d. The Tea Party
e. The United Electrical Workers


Answer 1
Answer: this answer is B. it actually is a single issue interest group ✌

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 n = 4 
4s2 = 2electrons 
4p6 = 6electrons 
4d10 = 10 electrons 
4 f14 = 14 electrons 

total = 32

I would say 32 

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Their methods converged on the fact that both movements held riots. Since they wanted reduce the middle men power once the conditions were unfair, they held protest and raised unions to accomplish what they wanted. Railroad companies used government grants and subsides to build but charged uneven rates, which were only beneficial for big manufacturers.

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I am only aware of it's affects on Germany these are:

Prior to the Great Depression and the Wall street crash(in 1929), Germany (during the Steseman years) was recovering from WWI and the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. They needed money to pay of 6,600 million in reparations to the allies, but didn't have enough. However when Gustav Streseman came to power he organised the Dawes and Young Plans (named after two wealthy American bankers) which was in scheme in which the USA leant money to Germany in order for them to pay off the reparations. However during the Great Depression, America was in financial turmoil and desperately needed the money leant to Germany back. This left Germany bankrupt and back at square one. Subsequently after Streseman died in 1929 of a heart attack due to all the pressure of a failing nation.

I hope this helped a bit.
Please contact me if you need anymore help or information.

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The main way in which the Militia Act affected African Americans during the Civil War was that it allowed President Lincoln to take control of all militias, which included those in the North that were made up of African Americans. 

Do you agree with Socrates that there are absolute standards for truth and justice? Why or why not?


This is of course somewhat of a subjective question, but in general most would agree that yes, there are absolute standards for truth and justice, since we as humans have developed ways of understanding right and wrong. 

This is of course somewhat of a subjective question, but in general most would agree that yes, there are absolute standards for truth and justice, since we as humans have developed ways of understanding right and wrong. 


Socrates believed that real achievement extended only with the Gods and that the best we can do is support their example as best as likely within our human deprivation. The absolute standards to which you apply would, accordingly, be known only to them and would not be available by us, which was what made the regular examination of one's life and actions for potential error crucial. To believe that humans could be as accurate as gods by the effort of will would have been deemed the final hubris. So yes, I accept such measures exist, but I also believe that they are behind our knowledge to succeed.

Which of the following describes the major characteristics of hammurabi's code?A. It established the "presumption of guilt" that is used today.
B. It established a public record of consistent laws
C. It is the world's first "declaration of independence."
D. It provided a history of the king's rulings


The correct answer is B. It established a public record of consistent laws.

This was a set of written laws that all members of the Babylonian society were supposed to follow. These laws, develop around the 1750 BC helped to create a society in which there were consistent punishments for crimes. The idea of an "eye for an eye" or a "tooth for a tooth" was a common phrase used to explain Hammurabi's code.

Essentially, for every crime there is an equal punishment that fits the crime. For example, if someone steals food from another person, than they can expect to have food taken from them.

did u get it the correct answer?

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This passage describes the early years of the Columbian Exchange. Based on this passage, why did many indigenous inhabitants of the New World adopt the view that interaction with European settlers was harmful to their societies? Just twenty years ago, the lands were filled with peoples from different nations, each with their own customs and tongues. Not a day went by without the assurance there would be plentiful land and an abundance of beasts in the forests for their peoples. Their villages and settlements were many, and their societies were rich and complex. Warriors, craftsmen, weavers, hunters, and dealers engaged in their everyday lives, bringing much good to their nations. But then the merchants from across the Great Sea started to come, and they brought with them a great many things never seen before on these shores. The inhabitants were glad at first to trade for these items they desired so greatly. But these brought only temporary benefits. For hidden in these goods was an invisible force, one that would affect every tribe in this great land. No person, regardless of stature, was spared. Children, mothers, and even chiefs were no match for this unseen warrior. In the span of only three generations, the majority of their villages disappeared, and the greatest lot of their peoples walked this land no more. A. The inhabitants of the New World were pressured to join military alliances with the European settlers. B. The European settlers used military force to compel the inhabitants of the New World to trade. C. The European settlers were hoarding goods produced by the New World inhabitants. D. The inhabitants of the New World had no resistance to new diseases brought by the Europeans.