Which of the following did NOT help the cause of civil rights for African Americans after Reconstruction ended?A. Freedmen's Bureau
B. 14th Amendment
C. Jim Crow Laws
D. Tuskegee Institute


Answer 1
Answer: C. Jim Crow Laws

The Jim Crow Laws further restricted AA movement in the US, especially in the South

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because france had a much stronger monarchy

What was NOT true about the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of 1918?A. The Russians were able to withdraw from the war.
B. The Russians signed a peace agreement with Germany.
C. The Bolshevik Party fully supported the terms of the treaty.
D. The Russians had to give up several territories including the Ukraine and Poland.


Russia signed the Treaty of Brest –Litovsk in 1918 with the Central Powers to end its participation in World War I. Russia had suffered heavy losses against Germany which led to growing discontent  and strengthened the cause of the Bolsheviks. They were led by Lenin and against the Czar.

Question: What was NOT true about the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of 1918?

Answer: C. The Bolshevik Party fully supported the terms of the treaty.

Who was the main sponsor of the league of nations


Answer:    Woodrow Wilson

Explanation:   The main sponsor of the League of Nations was the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson. The League of Nations was established in support of the Treaty of Versailles with the aim of resolving international disputes after the First World War, and that such a horror of war would no longer be repeated. It is considered that the League of Nations is the forerunner of the United Nations, and President Wilson made a major contribution to the formation of the League of Nations as part of the implication of his Fourteen Points, though America did not become a member.

the main sponsor was Woodrow Wilson

The main reason that the Glorious Revolution was significant for American colonists was that it


Answer:  The Glorious Revolution showed that the people could pursue a  change of ruling power.


English philosopher John Locke wrote his Second Treatise on Civil Government in the wake of the Glorious Revolution, advocating that the people had the right to change a government if the government was not properly serving the people whom it governed.  Leaders in the American colonies became fans of the philosophy of John Locke, and believed they had the right to pursue a change in government and free themselves from control of Great Britain.

The Glorious Revolution in England was led by members of Parliament against King James II,  who had tried to assert greater power and control for himself as king, infringing on their rights.   The "revolution" was a change in government, mostly without violence.  In June of 1688, seven highly-placed Englishmen sent a letter of invitation to William of Orange (who was husband to James II's daughter Mary), inviting him to come to England and be supported by them and the people as king.  As king and queen, the new rulers of England became known as William III and Mary II.

The American Revolution, launched with the Declaration of Independence in 1776, was similar in that it was seeking to free America from unfair government imposed on the colonies by the British home government.  In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson listed "facts to be submitted to a candid world" to demonstrate that the British king had been seeking to establish "an absolute Tyranny over these States."

The main reason that the Glorious Revolution was significant for American colonists was that it: Provided many new ideas to american colonists

List the checks that the executive branch of the government has on the power of the legislative branch under the US Constitution.


Answer: I. Veto power

II. Executive order

Explanation: To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The Executive Branch, headed by the President, proposes laws; the Legislative Branch, Congress, writes and passes the laws and the Judicial Branch interprets the law and the Constitution.

Under the US constitution, the executive branch gives veto power to the president, allowing the president to keep the legislative branch in check. Also, the executive branch can also declare executive orders, effectively proclaiming how certain laws should be enforced.


The power to approve legislation, the facility to veto. The President(Executive Branch) has the facility to veto any bills made by the arm. When a bill is gone the arm, it's sent to the manager branch. There the President will either sign the bill and make it a law or veto it.

What area of Europe was Martin Luther King Jr from?


i think it is berlin