Name two major seaports in the British Colonies


Answer 1
Answer: new york and boston you welcome
Answer 2
Answer: New York (City) and Philadelphia

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This mentality "represents the perspective of a Anti-Federalist, arguing for a weak central government," since it was the Federalists who wanted a strong government at the expense of state power. 

It represents the perspective of a Anti-Federalist, arguing for a weak central government

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BUD what speach?


1964 the civil right movement?? No topic!

Which rights are necessary for entrepreneurs to obtain credit and capital?


Entrepreneurs need to be able to borrow funds without being subject to discrimination, and they need an economic environment open to investment in new businesses.  

The  Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974) established that lenders cannot discriminate against any credit applicant on the basis of color, race, religion, etc.  This protects entrepreneurs from discriminatory lending practices.

The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, or JOBS Act (2012), aimed to create an open environment for new businesses by entrepreneurs, by relaxing some of the securities regulations on small businesses. Title II of that act allows entrepreneurs to communicate with a larger number of investors as they sought funding. Title III (with rules that went into effect in 2015) allows for crowdfunding.  Title IV allows investors to invest up to ten times as much in startups, with less strenuous registration requirements.
Since you provide no options, one of the rights that are necessary for entrepreneurs to obtain credit and capital is the Equal Credit opportunity, which protected the entrepreneurs from any type of discrimination regarding their credit ability.

Hope this helps

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One of the strongest promotors of the uniformitarianism was James Hutton.

the Roman army. Task B: in one colour shade in/ highlight all of the Roman punishments and in another colour shade in/ highlight all of the Anglo-Saxon punishments Roman punishments Anglo-Saxon punishments A person accused of a crime that did not come to court would be outlawed. This meant that they could be killed by anyone as a punishment. If someone sold a loaf of bread that was not the correct weight they would be whipped. Prisons were sometimes used as a punishment. If someone disagreed that the ruler should be treated like God then they would have boiling hot metal poured down their throat. Criminals who kept committing crimes would be mutilated. This means they would have a hand, ear or their nose cut off. If someone stole a shoe from another person they would have to repay the cost of the sho the owner.​


| A person accused of a crime that did not come to court would be outlawed. This meant that they could be killed by anyone as a punishment. | Capital punishment, in particular death by hanging, was used as a punishment for treason. This lethal punishment was intended to deter other people from committing this crime. |
| If someone sold a loaf of bread that was not the correct weight they would be whipped. | Corporal punishment included mutilation, such as cutting off someone’s hand. This was used for repeat offenders. |
| Prisons were sometimes used as a punishment. | |
| If someone disagreed that the ruler should be treated like God then they would have boiling hot metal poured down their throat. | |
| Criminals who kept committing crimes would be mutilated. This means they would have a hand, ear or their nose cut off. | |
| If someone stole a shoe from another person they would have to repay the cost of the shoe to the owner. | |

I hope this helps!

Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/15/2023
(1) Crime and Punishment in Ancient Rome - BBC Bitesize.
(2) Discipline in the Roman army – a system of punishment

What would be the primary reason an American toy company outsources work to a developing nation?



To save money


The overall objective of a company is to make a profit, there are several paths to achieve this objective, one of them is making the process for your making products cheaper so that when you sell them at the same price you make more money. Developing nations, have weaker employment laws, therefore minimum wage is less, and companies see this as an opportunity to make a profit, also in these countries there is usually a lot of unemployment so people will have to put up with these conditions. There are also other ways companies save money by outsourcing, for example, avoiding taxes in tax-free zones, acquiring cheaper resources from countries that do not have enough ecological regulations in place or simply by not spending as much in improving workers spaces and conditions.

I suppose it would be the lower costs- a developing nation doesn't have wage laws & therefor you could pay children rocks in exchange for work- though it's never at that extreme, there's not much stopping a company to do so.