The graduation ceremony lasted only two hours.What part of the sentence is lasted only two hours


Answer 1

The answer to your question would be that "lasted only two hours" is the predicate of the sentence.

The predicate of a sentence is the part that modifies the subject in some way. Since the subject is the person, thing, or place that the sentence is about, the predicate must contain a verb explaining what the subject does and can also include a modifier.

Answer 2
Answer: It's the complete predicate.

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object of a preposition

direct object

predicate nominative


is the answer to this question. She in the sentence is the subject. To easily find the subject in the sentence, you can form a yes-or-no question from it. The word that comes next to the first verb in the sentence is the subject. 
Question: Is she the woman in green sweater? 
The first verb is 'is', so 'she' is the subject.

The answer to this question is A.Subject.

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The correct answer is "cold". A predicate adjective follows a linking verb (in this case, "looked") and as the first word after looked is 'extremely', which is an adverb, the answer has to be 'cold', which is an adjective.

What is the function of the relative pronoun in the adjective clause? On the internet, we researched our ancestors, about whom we know almost nothing.

object of a preposition


direct object



What is the function of the relative pronoun in the adjective clause? it would be D

Who is William Shakespear?


WilliamShakespeare: is one of, if not the most well known theater writers. Hewrote many poems, sonnets, and plays. Some of his more famous plays are"Romeo and Juliet", "Julius Caesar", and "Hamlet".

Hoped that helped, you're welcome.
He was an English man born in April 1564, By Profession He was poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.

Hope this helps!

imagine that you have traveled to the planet mars. write a letter home describing what you see on the planet, and discuss some interesting events or adventure that has happened to you while you have been away. write five-six sentences.



You could research what any rovers or robots have seen and use that.