Which statement best explains why carbon is present in so many kinds of molecules?a. it can become iron
b. it has valance electrons
c. it can form four covalent bonds
d. It is abundant on earth


Answer 1
Answer: C! I am taking this test and got it right! :D

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Each of the following is a reason why savings should be stored in a bank EXCEPT:A.
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D. Insured by the government is the correct answer.


One should keep a small amount of money in cash and rest in the banks. There are multiple benefits of it. Safety, convenience, cost, security and financial future are some of the reasons why one should keep money in the bank. Depositing your money in  cash makes it vulnerable, the bank account keeps  it safe from theft and loss. It  helps with your financial future  it helps to establish a record that helps in saving money and getting a loan.

D.) insured by the government
hope i helped!

What is a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution?pragmatism


The correct answer in this case is liberalism. 

Socialism is the opposite as it entails (Among other things) the idea of fast changes, if need be with revolution. Neither does utilitarianism talk about social progress through reform.

Libertarians talk exactly about what the question is about; one of the main tennets of liberalism is that they prefer and would like to witness social change through reforms. 
It would be the political orientation of "pragmatism," that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution, since this holds that most people want to obey laws.

What was the outcome of the Seven Weeks' War?


Prussia won and reasserted herself as leader of Germany.

the answer for this question is option b

Explain how the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, NATO, support for Chiang Kai-shek, and the Korean War were based on the policy of containment. What did that policy concede to the Soviets? How did NSC-68 refine the doctrine? What geopolitical realities limited American options in Asia and Eastern Europe?


Truman Doctrine: Harry S Truman pledged a $400million fund to support any nation opposing Communism in 1947. It was first implemented in Greece and Turkey whose government were both engaged against communist guerrillas.
Marshall Plan: This was when secretary of state to Truman, George Marshall, set up a war relief fund to any nation trying to rebuild after WW2, although being open to all nations, including the USSR, Stalin refused aid as did General Tito of Communist Yugoslavia. The fund was supposed to be impartial (politically speaking) but from what I've read, the Americans gained alot of influence notably in West Germany and Japan. 
NATO: NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. It was set up in 1949 to oppose Communism on a military level and included all "western" countries eg: US, Canada, UK, W.Germany and most of western Europe. Its purpose was a common military and intelligence service against the Soviets. Its still very much in existence, although today it serves more to combat terrorism, and still excludes Russia.

All these plans and agencies were formed to "contain" communism, as in to stop the spread of communism from one country to another- this was called the Domino Theory. The Korean war in 1950 was seen as communism trying to spread from China (after the communist victory in the 1949 civil war) and so the US invaded (After the N.Koreans invaded  S.Korea) "containing" the spread of communism. Containment conceded to the soviets that their methods of infiltrating and spreading communism was more effective that the US's attempts to spread democracy. The US was a reactionary force while the soviets were dictating where next they influenced.
NSC-68 was effectively a ratification of the policy of containment, expanding the US's military budget and developing the Hydrogen bomb as a policy of "deterrent".
The geopolitical limitations of the US's options in Asia and E.Europe was the fact that the soviets were simply much closer. It was easier for Stalin to control East Berlin than it was for Truman to control West Berlin, simply due to proximity. The USSR extended as far as east asia, and so it was easy for them to have a greater influence there too. They could easily send arms and personel to any region they pleased.  

I hope I helped, the topic is very complex and would take me ages to write about coherently but ive a few pointers in there that should make writing the essay easier :) 

Final answer:

The U.S.'s policy of containment during the Cold War was designed to prevent the further spread of Soviet influence and communism. This shaped the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, NATO, support for Chiang Kai-shek, and involvement in the Korean War. The policy, however, conceded Eastern Europe to Soviet influence and was limited by geopolitical realities.


The policy of containment was a cornerstone of American foreign policy during the Cold War period. The crux of this policy was to prevent the Soviet Union's political dominance and the further spread of communism. The Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, NATO, America's support for Chiang Kai-shek, and its involvement in the Korean War were all geared towards achieving this objective.

The Truman Doctrine offered financial assistance to Greece and Turkey to counteract the perceived Soviet influence. The Marshall Plan was an economic strategy targeting Western Europe. By providing substantial financial aid for post-war reconstruction, the U.S. aimed to fortify Western European countries from succumbing to communist influences. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed as a defensive alliance against potential Soviet aggression.

The U.S.'s support for Chiang Kai-shek against the communist-led forces in China was another manifestation of the containment policy. The Korean War was a significant test where U.S. forces engaged directly with communist forces supporting North Korea. Despite its containment efforts, the policy conceded Eastern Europe to Soviet influence, given the Soviet Union's tight control over the region following World War II.

NSC-68 refined containment by proposing massive increases in U.S. defense spending and military aid to allies to better counteract communist threat. However, geopolitical realities in Asia and Eastern Europe, such as the establishment of communist governments and the inability to militarily intervene without risking a larger conflict with the Soviets, sometimes limited American options.

Learn more about Containment Policy here:



Despite their differences, what was one similarity between the sclc and sncc


Both used non-violent methods. SCLC is the Southern Christian Leadersip Conference and SNCC is the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. The SCLC organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott and was led by Martin Luther King Jr. SNCC was responsible for the Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins and was a youth-centered movement.

One similarity between the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee is that they both were non-violent Civil Rights Organizations that fought to end race discrimination in the United States of America.

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is a United States civil rights organization, founded in January 1957. It was proposed by Bayard Rustin and co-founded by Joseph Lowery and other religious ministers. Later, it was led by Martin Luther King Jr.

The organization focused on non-violent civil disobedience and was formed in order to improve racial equity for African-Americans.

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, or SNCC, was one of the leading organizations of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States in the 1960s. It began in April 1960 from student meetings led by Ella Baker, and it took place in Raleigh, in North Carolina. SNCC started with a fund of $ 800 from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Some of its student members were organizers of sit-ins in segregated restaurants in the southern United States. The purpose of the organization was to coordinate the use of direct and non-violent action to attack segregation and other forms of racism.

The SCLC had a mentoring relationship with SNCC at its inception, before SNCC abandoned its non-violence policy.

Which of the following countries allied with the Soviet Union after World War II? A. Italy B. Denmark C. Romania D. France


Which of the following countries allied with the Soviet Union after World War II?

--> It is Romania ((Eastern European countries)