In 1780, in what is now referred to as "Brady's Leap," Captain Sam Brady of the U.S. Continental Army escaped certain death from his enemies by running over the edge of the cliff above Ohio's Cuyahoga River in (Figure 1) , which is confined at that spot to a gorge. He landed safely on the far side of the river. It was reported that he leapt 22 ft (≈ 6.7 m) across while falling 20 ft (≈ 6.1 m).What is the minimum speed with which he’d need to run off the edge of the cliff to make it safely to the far side of the river?

Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


Answer 1

The minimum speed with which the captain Sam Brady of the US continental army had to run off the edge of the cliff to make it safely to the far side of the river is \boxed{19.667\text{ ft/s}} or \boxed{5.998\text{ m/s}} or \boxed{6\text{ m/s}} or \boxed{599.8\text{ cm/s}}.

Further explanation:

As Captain Sam Brady jumps from the cliff, he moves in two dimension under the action of gravity.


The height of free fall of the captain Brady is 20\text{ ft} or 6.1\text{ m}.

The horizontal distance moved by the captain Brady is 22\text{ ft} or 6.7\text{ m}.


The time required to free fall of a body can be calculated by using the expression given below.

\left( { - s}\right)=ut-(1)/(2)g{t^2}                                 ……. (1)

The displacement is considered negative because the captain is moving in vertically downward direction.

Here, s is the distance covered by the body in free fall, u is the initial velocity of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity and t is the time taken in free fall of a body.  

As the Caption jumps off the cliff, he has his velocity in the horizontal direction. The velocity of the captain in vertical direction is zero.

Substitute 0 for u in the equation (1) .


Rearrange the above expression for t.

\boxed{t=\sqrt {\frac{{2s}}{g}}}                                                              …… (2)  

Converting acceleration due to gravity in \text{ft}/\text{s}^2 .

\begin{aligned}g&=\left( {9.81\,{\text{m/}}{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}} \right)\left( {\frac{{1.0\,{\text{ft/}}{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}{{0.305\,{\text{m/}}{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}} \right) \n&=32.16\,{\text{ft/}}{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}} \n \end{aligned}

Substitute 20\text{ ft} for s and 32.16\,{\text{ft/}}{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}} for g in equation (2) .

\begin{aligned}t&=\sqrt {\frac{{2\left( {20\,{\text{ft}}} \right)}}{{\left( {32.16\,{\text{ft/}}{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}} \right)}}} \n&=1.116\,{\text{s}} \n \end{aligned}

Therefore, the time taken by captain to free fall a height 20\text{ ft} is 1.116\text{ s}.  

In the same time interval captain has to move 22\text{ ft} in horizontal direction. The acceleration is zero in horizontal direction. So, the velocity will be constant throughout the motion in the horizontal direction.

The distance travelled by captain in the horizontal direction is given by,

x=v\cdot t

Rearrange the above expression for v.  

\boxed{v=(x)/(t)}                                                      …… (3)  

Here, x is the distance travelled in horizontal direction, v is the velocity of the captain and t is the time.  

Substitute 22\text{ ft} for x and 1.116\text{ s} for t in equation (3) .

\begin{aligned}v&=\frac{{22\,{\text{ft}}}}{{1.116\,{\text{s}}}} \n&=19.71\,{\text{ft/s}} \n \end{aligned}

Thus, the minimum speed with which the captain Sam Brady of the US continental army had to run off the edge of the cliff to make it safely to the far side of the river is \boxed{19.667\text{ ft/s}} or \boxed{5.998\text{ m/s}} or \boxed{6\text{ m/s}} or \boxed{599.8\text{ cm/s}}.

Learn more:

1. Energy density stored in capacitor

2. Kinetic energy of the electrons

3. Force applied by the car on truck


Free fall, projectile, gravity, 1780, Brady’s, leap, Captain, Sam Brady, US, continental army, enemies, Ohio’s, Cuyahoga river, 22 ft, 6.7 m, 20 ft, 6.1 m, minimum speed, run off, edge, cliff, safely, far side, river, 19.71 ft/s, 6 m/s, 6 meter/s, 5.99 m/s, 599.8 cm/s.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Using the principles of projectile motion from Physics, Captain Sam Brady would need to run with an initial horizontal speed of approximately 19.64 ft/s to reach the far side of the river.


This problem can be solved using basic Physics, specifically projectile motion. Here, Captain Sam Brady had to run off the edge of the cliff to make it safely to the far side of the river which is 22 ft away while falling 20 ft down. We assume that he jumps horizontally (i.e., his initial vertical velocity is 0).

Firstly, we calculate the time for the vertical fall. Using the equation t = sqrt (2h/g) where h is height and g is the acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s²), we get time t ≈ 1.12s (rounded to two significant figures).

Next, we can use this time to figure out his initial horizontal velocity needed. The equation v = d/t where v is velocity, d is distance, and t is time gives us v ≈ 19.64 ft/s (rounded to two significant figures).

So, Captain Sam Brady would need to run with an initial horizontal speed of approximately 19.64 ft/s to make it safely across the river.

Learn more about Projectile Motion here:


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Pressure is defined as the force exerted per unit of area. From the information given, the force exerted can be attributed to the mass of the load carried by the piston. This means that its weight is equivalent to the force it exerts.

Weight = mass(9.81) = 3433.5 Newtons
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3.43 kPa


What is the difference between a meteorite and a asteroid?


What's the DiDifference Between Asteroids & MeteoritesBy Karen S. Garvin, eHow ContributorSharePrint this articleAsteroids can become meteorites if they fall to Earth.Both asteroids and meteorites originate in outer space. Asteroids are small planet-like bodies that orbit the sun, and known as planetoids or minor planets. The asteroid belt that lies between Earth and Mars contains hundreds of thousands of these planetoids. Sometimes asteroids fall out of orbit and hit the Earth, and then they become meteorites. However, not all meteorites are asteroids, and meteorites may be from the Moon or another planet.Other People Are ReadingThe Characteristics of Comets, Meteors & AsteroidsWhat Kind of Sediment Is a Piece of Meteorite?AsteroidsAsteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the sun. Between Mars and Jupiter is the asteroid belt, thought to be a planet that broke apart. Asteroids are inactive, which means they do not have ongoing geologic processes, such as plate tectonics or active volcanoes. An asteroid can become a meteorite if it escapes from orbit and collides with Earth.MeteoritesMeteorites are meteoroids that have impacted the Earth's surface. A meteorite may in fact originate as an asteroid, but meteorites can also come from outside of the solar system. These rocky extraterrestrials can be iron, iron compounds, or stone. Iron meteorites comprise only about 10 percent of all meteorites and contain nickel, which tells scientists they are from outer space.Sponsored Links3D Ground/Earth ScannersGraphical Measuring Results. No Need For A Computer-Get A Quote Makeup of Asteroids and MeteoritesScientists once thought asteroids and meteorites consisted of the same materials: stone and iron compounds. However, spectral analyses showed a difference in the reflectance patterns between asteroids and meteorites. It turns out that space weathering, caused by the flow of high-energy ions and small particles, erodes the surface of an asteroid by vaporizing it, and then depositing a layer of film that makes the surface appear dark red. Common meteorites do not have this discoloration.Why Scientists Study AsteroidsScientists study the asteroid belt to gain an understanding of the formation of our solar system and its planets. Asteroids within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter consist of melted minerals. Asteroids from the outer solar system tend to be carbon. The largest asteroid in our solar system is Ceres, which is 580 miles in diameter.The Asteroid MenaceMost asteroids occupy the asteroid belt and orbit the sun in an elliptical orbit. However, some follow different orbits that may bring them into close proximity to Earth. Some scientists believe an asteroid impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 millions years ago. Some scientists worry that another asteroid could hit the Earth and wreak havoc on our planet.fference Between an Asteroid and a Meteor?
Asteroids are a rocks which are a part of asteroid belt in our solar system. Sometimes these asteroids get deflected from their paths and attracted towards earth. When the rocks enter earth's atmosphere, they get burnt due to friction with atmosphere. Some asteroids are large enough and get burnt only partially and reach earth's surface. The rocks which reach the earth's surface are called meteorites.

You have a very old service manifold and the high-pressure gauge on this service manifold set has a continuous scale, calibrated to read from 0 to 500 psig. TRUE or FALSE.


That statement is FALSE

the scale that calibrated to read from 0 to 500 is usually the standard used by the new kind of service

the older one usually only take up to 340

hope this helps

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It *can* be called "Dynamic Electricity".

Hope that helps a little bit XD.

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0.066 s

0.20 s

0.33 s


Period = (time) / (number of pulses)

= (3 sec) / (15 pulses)

= 0.2 sec/pulse

As you hold book at rest in your hand two forces are being exerted on the book identify the force


gravity dwn, your hand up and equal to grav

Final answer:

When you hold a book at rest, two forces act upon it: the downward gravitational force exerted by the Earth represented as -14ĵ N and the upward force exerted by your hand that equals 14 N, balancing out the weight of the book. These forces cancel each other out, keeping the book at rest as per Newton's Second Law.


When you hold a book at rest in your hand, two primary forces are acting upon it. These are the gravitational force, which is the book's weight pulling it downwards, and the force exerted by your hand, pushing upwards against the book. The downward gravitational force is caused by the earth's mass attracting the book's mass. This force is represented as -14ĵ N in physics. The force exerted by your hand counters this gravitational pull, allowing the book to remain at rest in your hand.

By Newton's second law, since the book is at rest, the net force acting on the book is zero. Meaning, the gravitational force and the force exerted by your hand cancel each other out. This is represented as: FPH + FEH = 0, where FPH is the force exerted by your hand and FEH is the force exerted by the Earth. With proper calculation, the force exerted by your hand on the book equals 14 N in the upward direction, counteracting the book's weight.

Learn more about Forces on a Resting Book here: