Which of the following is true of the Antarctic Treaty System?A. Members came from the Antarctic Agreement.
B. It allows limited weapons testing of the continent.
C. It limits restrictions of environmental controls.
D. It encourages scientific research.


Answer 1
Answer: The Antarctic Treaty System D) encourages scientific research. It does not allow weapons to be tested, unless they are for some scientific purpose and for a peaceful purpose. The Antarctic Treaty System details how countries should have international relations with the only continent without a native human population and The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat is headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Which term refers to the exact given location of something?


Answer: The absolute location is refers to the location which is given exactly and precise location in the globe. In terms of map, the absolute location is refers to the longitude and the latitude on the surface of the earth and it is also known as the Geo-graphical coordinators.


Absolute location


Absolute location refers to the coordinate location of a place. In contrast, relative location refers to the location of a place relative to another place.

For the line segment whose endpoints are A(0,0) and B(4,3), find the X coordinate for the point located 2/3 the distance from a to b.


Two unique points on a line define the boundaries of a line segment. A line segment is sometimes referred to as a section of a line that links two places.

2.7 : In order to calculate the coordinate, we must first determine the x distance between the two points. So, A (0, 0) and B are the coordinates (4, 3).

- the x distance, which is 4 units from 0 to 4.

This is how we set it up using the 4 units and the fraction 2/3 to get the distance between a and b.

-2/3 * 4/1 (4/1 is the result of the x-distance, which is 4 units), which produces 8/3 (by multiplication across), which is 2.666,

2.7 is the result after rounding, which completes the equation.

We just provided a solution for the x distance since that is all they asked for.

What is an example of a line segment?

A point at one end, which serves as the beginning point, and an arrow at the other end are used to symbolize rays. This arrow signifies that the line never ends.

A line that you observe without an initial or a terminus is an example. In real life, a line segment might be represented by a stick, a pencil, or a ruler.

For more details about line segment to refer link :






Short answer: took the test

Actual explanation: Finding the coordinate means that we need to find the x distance first between the two points. So, the coordinates are A (0, 0) and B (4, 3).  

- the x distance: 0 to 4, which is 4 units.

Using the 4 units and the fraction, 2/3 because we want to find it 2/3 the distance a-b, we set it up like this

-2/3 * 4/1 (4/1 comes from the x-distance, which is 4 units) and get 8/3 (by multiplying across) which is 2.666,

and we round it to get 2.7, which is the final answer.

they are only asking for the x-distance, which is why we only solved for the x distance.

hope this helps :)

Earthquakes are especially common in which of the following regions?a. the Hindu Kush
b. The Empty Quarter
c. Iranian Plateau
d. Strait of Hormuz


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "d. Strait of Hormuz." Earthquakes are especially common in the Strait of Hormuz. The narrow Strait of Hormuz is considered one of the most, if not the most strategic strait of water on the planet.

The correct answer is - d. Strait of Hormuz.

The Strait of Hormuz is located between the territories of Oman and the United Arab Emirates from one side, and Iran on the other side. It lies between the water bodies of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman.

The strait itself is on the boundary between the Eurasian tectonic plate, and the Arabian tectonic plate. They form a convergent boundary. Since the Arabian plate is pushing against the Eurasian plate, there's constant stress deep into the ground, stress that causes lot of cracks to appear inside the crust. That results in very common earthquake occurrences.

Depending on its mass, it can take millions to trillions of years for a star to evolve from a main-sequence star to a red giant. Despite this astronomical length of time, astronomers are confident in their models of stellar evolution. Which of the following statements best describe why astronomers firmly believe that their models of stellar evolution are correct?


Answer: See explanation.


Because Astronomers have well-tested theoretical models that explain how a star evolves over the course of its life as well as well-tested theoretical models that explain how a star evolves over the course of its life.

Which sentence about an ocean current is correct? A). Surface currents move vertically through the water. B). Upwelling moves water horizontally. C). Surface currents are caused by differences in water density. D). Upwelling is caused by winds that blow on the ocean's surface.



A.) surface currents move vertically through the water

Final answer:

The correct sentence about ocean currents is that upwelling is caused by winds blowing on the ocean's surface, causing deep ocean waters to rise and bring nutrients back to the surface.


The right answer to the question 'Which sentence about an ocean current is correct?' is D). Upwelling is caused by winds that blow on the ocean's surface. This process, known as ocean upwelling, involves the rising of deep ocean waters when prevailing winds blow along surface waters near a coastline. As these winds push ocean waters offshore, water from the bottom of the ocean moves up to replace it. This shift brings nutrients, once sequestered in the depths through the sinking of dead organisms, back to the surface. As a result, these nutrients become available again for reuse by other marine life, aiding in maintaining the aquatic ecosystem.

Learn more about Ocean Currents and Upwelling here:



What are the three most important elements of weather


wind,temperature,pressure. hope this helps! :)