What number is 12% of 90


Answer 1
Answer: 12% of 90 is 10.8

Change 12% into a decimal which is 0.12. 
0.12 × 90 = 10.8
Answer 2
Answer: 10.8 is the correct answer

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Its the setting.


Which of the following statements is true?Saltwater can be treated and used for drinking water.
One atmosphere is equal to 100 pounds per square inch (psi).
The temperature of ocean surface water depends on salinity.
Earth has one high tide and one low tide every tidal cycle.


Saltwater can be treated and used for drinking water.-> True

Salt and water may be separated by physical or chemical media and the water purified.

One atmosphere is equal to 100 pounds per square inch (psi).-> False

1 atm ≈ 14.7psi

The temperature of ocean surface water depends on salinity -> False

There are other factors: geographical ubication and day time, for example.

Earth has one high tide and one low tide every tidal cycle-> False

The number of high and low tides in a cycle vary.


One atmosphere is equal to 100 pounds per square inch (psi). because is the one that make more sence on waht we talking about


Which line from the poem best illustrates alliteration? “Silver” by Walter de la Mare


It is the very first line from the poem “Silver” by Walter de la Mare that best illustrates alliteration, mostly because in this line the author uses a variety of syllables. 

Answer: "Slowly, silently, now the moon"

Explanation: While there are some other instances of alliteration in the poem, in the first line is the finest example, because the two very first words begin with the "s" sound, just like the title, "Silver." By emphasizing these two words with this alliteration, the author conveys a "nocturnal" mood that will continue to develop for the rest of the poem.

Read the paragraph. Keeping my mind on my writing is not easy when I stay at my grandmother's ocean-side cottage. Just about the time that I am going along pretty well, I glance out the window and see two huge bald eagles swooping and tumbling in a spectacular aerial display. Naturally, I have to leave my desk and rush to the doorway to watch the performance as long as it lasts. Then, as if a conspiracy were trying to keep me from working, two otters poke their shiny heads out of the water and hang there motionless. They watch to see what I am doing. As soon as I return to my desk, seagulls wheel into my window view and screech as they search for scraps of food. Within minutes this confusion of sounds stirs my aging St. Bernard out of a deep sleep and he hauls his massive, lumbering body over to be petted. Mickey, my cat, can't stand to see any partiality so he is soon pacing back and forth across my ankles. As I wiggle my bare toes to tease Mickey, I realize that my legs have become stiff. I remember that I have not had my daily ride. So, I slip on my sandals, step out the door, spring onto my bike and pedal off down the beach. Meanwhile the composition in my typewriter sits and grows colder.

In complete sentences name four details which develop the topic sentence.


ocean side cottage tease Mickey St Bernard



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