Which of the following describes why wetlands are important to the water cycle?


Answer 1
Answer: Wetlands Water Cycle describes and talks about how water can go from a solid, liquid, and gas. It helps our rivers run, lakes to stay full, and supplies our homes with water. Without the Water Cycle our water supply would be in trouble. 

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Thank you for posting your question here at brainly. I hope the answer will help you. Feel free to ask more questions.
I believe the statement that correctly identifies a green country and cites supporting evidence is 
New Zealand has successfully fought against invasive species in its effort to be green. The answer is C. 


The answer is:


B.) Papua New Guinea leads the way in reforestation and is a green country.

Select the most appropriate example of the denaturation of protein. A. Egg albumin, which is a translucent fluid, changes to opaque white solid after boiling. B. Rice granules, which are smaller in size and translucent, appear larger and opaque white after cooking. C. Oil, if kept for a longer time at room temperature, turns rancid and appears discolored.


Denaturation of protein : a process in which protein lose it's original structure that present in it's native form

The most appropriate example of the denaturation of protein is : A. Egg albumin , which is a translucent fluid, changes to opaque white solid after boiling

hope this helps

What is the immediate effect of condensation of water vapor?


formation of clouds containing water droplets

Hope this help


That person is right its A


1) the internal balance within an organism is called a)physiology
c) thermoregulation
d) hypothalamus

2) which organism maintain a constant body temperature despite temperature changes in the environment?
a)a frog
b)maple tree

3)when leaf has plenty of water
a) the guard cells swell and the stomates open
b)the guard cells swell and the stomates close
c)the guard cell lose pressure and the stomates open
d)the guard cells lose pressure and the stomates close

please helpppppp



1. b. homeostasis: The internal balance of heat within an organism is maintained by the process of homeostasis. It is the ability of the organism to maintain the internal body temperature with respect to the changes that occur in the external environment.

2.d) human: The human beings are capable for maintaining the internal temperature due to homeostasis because they exhibit fat which allows them to maintain the internal heat.

3.c) the guard cell lose pressure and the stomata open: The stomata are small pores present on the underside of the leaf surface these are important for exchange of gases and water to the external environment. The water is lost by the stomata of the leaf during transpiration. When the plant requires to remove excess of water from the plant body it is evaporated from the stomata through transpiration.  

1. Homeostasis
2.Human ( a mammal)
3. B- it should be this, they swell and the stomates close, making the leaf bigger and letting it get more sunlight

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Translation may be defined as the formation of the protein product from the RNA molecule. Different enzymes and proteins are required for the process of translation. Translation involves three steps - initiation, elongation and termination.

The testosterone hormone in humans helps in the development of the male secondary sexual characters. The testosterone hormone binds with the proteins and then protein binds to the specific DNA sites. These proteins helps in the transcription of the certain genes and may acts as the enhancers.

How are codons and anticodons alike?


A codon is a group of three mRNA bases while an anticodon is a group of three tRNA bases. For example AUC is a codon and UAG is an anticodon that matches it.