How can the presence or absence of natural resources and arable land affect a nation’s economy?


Answer 1
Answer: The economy is strong if the country exports a lot: it then gets money from other countries. If a country has natural resources (think: diamonds for example!), it will be rich and have a strong economy.

The economy is weak if the country has to import stuff and spend money on it! especially if it's the necessary things: the country has no choice but to import food if they can't produce it, for this reason for example the food items in the north  of Canada are every expensive.

Generally, exporting is good for economy and importing bad for it.

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Spanish explorers traveled to the Americas to finda. slave labor.
c. horses.
b. gold.
d. furs.



Spanish explorer Francisco  Vásquez de Coronado traveled to the Americas for gold


Spanish explorer Francisco  Vásquez de Coronado traveled to the Americas for gold

The conquistadors were battling against American Indians they encountered and enslaved them. Francisco Vásquez de Coronado travelled 3,500 miles with his men in 1540 in search of gold. The first European travelers to see much of North America were Spanish explorers. They studied about the area's geography and inhabitants.

Gold is the correct answer.

Which amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures and requires a finding of probable cause to issue a warrant?a. First
b. Third
c. Fourth
d. Sixth
e. Tenth


c. The Fourth Amendment

c. fourth

the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and. the persons or things to be seized

1. La primaria en México es como nuestro "high school." true

2. ¿Cuál frase es correcta?
A. Voy nadar.
B. Voy a nadar.
C. Voy nado.

3. ¿Cuál frase es correcta?
A. Nado desde cinco años.
B. Nado desde cinco minutos.
C. Nado desde las cinco.

4. ¿Cuál frase es correcta?
A. Estudio español desde hace dos años.
B. Estudio español hace desde dos años.
C. Desde hace dos años que desde estudio español.

5. ¿Cuál frase es correcta?
A. Acabo nadar.
B. Acabo de nadar.
C. Acabo de nadas.

6. Responde la pregunta:
¿Desde cuándo vives en los Estados Unidos?
A. Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde hace cinco minutos.
B. Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde cinco años.
C. Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde 1991.

7. Responde la pregunta.
¿Desde hace cuánto tiempo tocas el piano?
A. Toco el piano desde hace siete años.
B. Toco el piano hace desde siete años.
C. Hace siete años desde hace toco el piano.

8. Responde la pregunta.
¿Hace cuántos meses que estás en la escuela?
A. Hago siete meses que estoy en la escuela.
B. Hace siete meses que estoy en la escuela.
C. Son siete meses que estoy en la escuela.

9. Escribe los pronombres que deben estar en los espacios. Juan compra flores a su abuela. Juan _____ _____ compra.

10. Escribe los pronombres que deben estar en los espacios. José lee libros a sus hijos. José _____ ______ lee.

11. Nuestro planeta se llama...
A. Marte.
B. la Tierra.
C. el mundo.

12. Recoger basura y reciclar son formas de...
A. preservar el medio ambiente.
B. echar basura.

13. Es nuestra responsabilidad...
A. echar basura.
B. contaminar.
C. cuidar el planeta.


1. La primaria en México es como nuestro "high school."

false! La primaria is more like primary school. High school is called "preparatoria" in Mexico: short: "prepa".

2. ¿Cuál frase es correcta? 
B. Voy a nadar.

It's like in English: you are going "to" do something and the "a" is the equivalent of the "to"

3. ¿Cuál frase es correcta?
C. Nado desde las cinco.

Desde needs a fixed time in the past:  5 o'clock. the other options need "desde hace" or "desde que"

4. ¿Cuál frase es correcta?
A. Estudio español desde hace dos años.

-the "desde hace" can be used when English uses "for" - for two years

5. ¿Cuál frase es correcta? 
B. Acabo de nadar.

It's always "acabo de" - something to remember!

6. Responde la pregunta:
¿Desde cuándo vives en los Estados Unidos?
A. Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde hace cinco minutos.
-this is correct!

B. Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde cinco años.
here we would need "desde hace"
C. Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde 1991.
here you would need "desde el anho..."

7. Responde la pregunta.
¿Desde hace cuánto tiempo tocas el piano?
A. Toco el piano desde hace siete años.
-because it's seven years back in time (relative time frame, not absolute)

8. Responde la pregunta.
¿Hace cuántos meses que estás en la escuela?
B. Hace siete meses que estoy en la escuela.
"It's six months that I am in school"

9. Escribe los pronombres que deben estar en los espacios. Juan compra flores a su abuela. Juan _____ _____ compra.

se las

(se =a su abuela.
las= las flores)

10. Escribe los pronombres que deben estar en los espacios. José lee libros a sus hijos. José _____ ______ lee.

se los

se=a sus hijos (it's always se if there are two pronouns)
los=los libros

11. Nuestro planeta se llama...
A. Marte.
B. la Tierra.
C. el mundo.

La Tierra! Nuestro planeta es la Tierra (the Earth)

12. Recoger basura y reciclar son formas de...
A. preservar el medio ambiente.

Porque recoger basura no es lo mismo que echarla

13. Es nuestra responsabilidad...
C. cuidar el planeta.

Porque es la mejor solucion! (las otras son solo para poco tiempo)


THE ANSWER TO 6 IS C, Vivo en los Estados Unidos desde 1991.



Image by e2020Which of the above examples shows the most accurate cause and effect relationship?
A. Example A
B. Example B
C. Example C
D. Example D
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C:Example C


Because if you cut down trees(deforestation),You may cause Loss of habitat and Farmland and that may cause desertification


The answer is A on Edg.


Deforestation leads to desertification and loss of habitat and farmland in the respective order.

Humberto often loses his temper, argues with his teacher and parents, and his parents report that he is vindictive. He is not aggressive toward others of his age nor does he shoplift or steal. Humberto is likely to have a _____ disorder.



oppositional defiant disorder


Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a type of disorder in a child that is characterized by defiant and disobedient behavior towards people in authority. The causes of this type of disorder has not been clearly established but certain scientists are of the opinion that it can be triggered by a combination of both environmental and genetic factors.  

When a child is eight years of age, he or she can begin to show some symptoms such as argumentative and defiant behavior and then irritable mood.


Oppositional defiant disorder


Hi, Humberto is likely to have an Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

The symptoms of this disorder are:

  • Easy lose of temper.
  • Often spiteful or vindictive
  • Argues with adults and people's in authority, and refuses to comply their requests.

As seen above, kids with ODD have a persistent pattern of anger toward authority figures, mostly adults, and not toward children.

Also, Shoplift or steal are not symptoms of this disorder.

A Spanish soldier describes Tenochtitlan:"The great city…has many broad streets, though among these are two or three pre-eminent. All travel by…canoes, as I have said, and without these they could neither leave their houses nor return to them." —Anonymous Spanish soldier
Aztec Civilization by Lois Warburton, Lucent Books, 1995, page 60.

Which of the following does this excerpt imply?

Tenochtitlan is a cramped city.

Tenochtitlan often gets flooded.

Tenochtitlan has water canals throughout the city.

Tenochtitlan has one main street that runs through the city's center.


The excerpt implies that Tenochtitlan has water canals throughout the city.

The soldier describes that there are "broad streets" that are traveled by canoes. Canoes are only used in water, and the fact that he describes broad streets means he is referring to a city. Finally, the soldier describes that canoes are people's transportation in the city, since without them "they could neither leaver their houses nor return to them."

Tenochtitlan was located in Mexico. It was an efficient way in which indigenous people (Aztecs) would raise their crops in chinampas (little islands).  

It's C.

Tenochtitlan has water canals throughout the city.