Romans viewed Christianity as harmful to the state because Christians


Answer 1
Answer: In Rome people were allowed to practice their religion, as long as they ALSO practiced the Roman religion, which at times included venerating the emperor as a god.

Christians refused to worship any other Gods, including the emperor, and tolerating them would be a step towards accepting that worship of the emperor is not necessary and this would undermine the emperor's power.

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because of uncompromising differences betwwen the free and slave states over the power of the national goverment  to probit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.


There was a fight between freeing the slaves and they wanted all the slaves to be free. They did not want to free the slaves tho so they went to war witch was called the civil war. Some white slave owners considered there slaves there property so some slave owners were forced to pay taxes for them if they were considered there property.

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What were some of the challenges the newcomers faced as they started their new life's?



They faced hunger, disease and conflict with the natives.


I suppose you are referring to the new arrivals on US territory, the British who formed the Jamestown colonies. Well, they had a lot of difficulties when they arrived. For starters, they spent many days on the high seas, in terrible situations, diseases invaded and infected everyone. Most died before arriving in America and those who arrived were very weak.

Then the difficulties began at that time. The British achieved their goals of forming the first British colony in America, but they were very sick and had inadequate medical treatment, besides, food was scarce, land was not good for agriculture and they had a great famine. As if that were not enough, they had to face the natives, who did not accept losing their land and started numerous conflicts, which almost made the Jamestown colony a great failure.

The new comers had a huge amount of sickness, hunger, and they were very irresponsible.

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southern citizens hat to take an oath of allegiance after doing so,they regained the right to vote.