Betty swam 100 meters in 2 minutes. Which rate represents this situation??A. 100 minutes/ 2 minutes  B.100 meters/ 2 meters C. 100 minutes 2 meters D. 100 meters 2 minutes 


Answer 1

Answer 2
Answer: Rate = Distance / time = 100 m / 2 minutes

Thus, the answer is (D) 100 meters / 2 minutes. 

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To construct perpendicular bisector of line segment WX. There are following steps:

  • Construct arcs or circles from points A and B on the both endpoints of line segment WX.
  • Mark the intersection points of circles as A and B.
  • Use the straightedge to draw a line through points W and X.
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jayson buys a car and pays by installments.each installmentsis $567 per month.after 48 month, jayson owes $1250. what was the total price of the vehicle ?



T--------> the total price of the vehicle

x--------> amount paid

y--------> amount owed

we know that

the total cost of the vehicle is equal to the amount paid plus the amount owed



Find the amount paid

x=567*48\n x=27,216\ dollars

Find the amount owed

y=1,250\ dollars

Find the total cost of the vehicle

T=x+y\n T=27,216+1,250\n T=28,466\ dollars


the answer is

the total price of the vehicle is 28,466\ dollars

The total price of the vehicle is 28,466

  • Each installment monthly = $567
  • Amount owes by Jayson after 48 months = $1250

Further Explanation

To determine the total price of the vehicle, we can solve this question using the area model (please refer to the attachment below)

Firstly, let’s use the area model method to calculate the total price of the vehicle.

Therefore, we have:

567 x 48

= (500 + 60 + 7) x (40 + 8)

= (500 x 40) + (500 x 8) + (60 x 40) + (60 x 8) + (7 x 40) + (7 x 8)

= 20000 + 4000 + 2400 + 480 + 280 + 56

= 27216.

Recall, Jaycee still owes $1250 after 48 months; therefore we can derive the total price of the vehicle by adding the total money for the whole 48 months and the amount Jayson owes.

Therefore we have:

27216 + 1250

= 28466

Thus, the total price of the vehicle is $28,466

The area model refers to a rectangular diagram used in solving multiplication and division problems in mathematics.



  • jayson
  • area models
  • vehicle
  • $567 per month
  • jayson owes $1250
  • the total price of the vehicle

What is 2.36 divided by 8


The answer is 0.295 :)
the answer is 0.295 because if you divided 2.36 / by 8 give you the answer

0.83 compared 83/100


" 0.83 " MEANS " 83/100 ". They are identical quantities, because they are the SAME quantity.

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Step-by-step explanation: