What ways does the declaration reflect principles of classical republicanism?


Answer 1
Answer: The United States Declaration of Independence reflects principles of classical republicanism in that it advocates for the rights of citizens to govern themselves, as opposed to having decisions made for them by a body in which they have no representation. 

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Based on the map and your knowledge of social studies, why was controlling Savannah strategically important during the American Revolution?A
because traveling through Savannah was the only way to reach the city of Augusta
because Savannah was the last remaining stronghold of Great Britain in the colonies
because control of Savannah's ports could prevent enemies from receiving necessary supplies
because Savannah had become a center of the naval stores industry from its abundant forests


The controlling of Savannah strategically important during the American Revolution because control of Savannah's ports could prevent enemies from receiving necessary supplies. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is the American Revolution?

During the American Revolution, which lasted from 1765 to 1791, the American Revolution was entirely founded on an ideological and political revolution. The major reason for drafting the constitution that established the United States of America was the American Revolution. The first modern constitution was a liberal democracy.

Savannah was a lovely city secluded from the rest of the country by South Carolina. Savannah was well-known among ancient architects. During the American Revolution, it was critical to control Savannah's ports in order to prevent adversaries from obtaining supplies.

As a result, the American Revolution was to controlled by the Savannah because the  ports could prevent enemies from receiving necessary supplies. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about American Revolution, here:




it is C


Falling prices for farm crops was the major factor that caused hardships for farmers during the late 1800s.


The answer to the situation "Falling prices for farm crops was the major factor that caused hardships for farmers during the late 1800s." is false. Falling prices was not the main factor why the farms had a hard time with farming. 

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Why was Thomas Paine's essay Common Sense significant to American independence?The ideas in the essay inspired the Continental Congress to present King George III with the Olive Branch Petition.

The essay divided the patriots into those who wanted a break from Britain and those who wanted reconciliation.

The ideas in the essay inspired Thomas Jefferson while he was drafting the Declaration of Independence.

The essay spurred colonists to take a stand, demand independence, and establish their own government.


I believe the answer is: The essay spurred colonists to take a stand, demand independence, and establish their own government.

The common sense which written by Thomas Paine filled with his point of view on how the British Government is creating economic disadvantage for the colonist and how they could be better of without them. This spurred colonist to take a stand and increase the number of participants who wanted to join the revolution.

Final answer:

Thomas Paine's essay Common Sense was significant for American independence as it influenced the Continental Congress, divided patriots, and inspired Thomas Jefferson while drafting the Declaration of Independence, thereby propelling the move toward America's independence.


Thomas Paine's essay Common Sense was a significant piece for American independence as it provided compelling arguments for why the American colonies should fight for independence from Britain. This essay had a wide-reaching impact and influenced not just everyday colonists but also key figures in America's path to independence.

Firstly, the ideas in the essay were instrumental in inspiring the Continental Congress to present King George III with the Olive Branch Petition. Secondly, Common Sense divided patriots into those who yearned for a break from Britain and those who hoped for reconciliation. This division fueled debates and discussions that led to movements towards independence.

Thirdly, and perhaps most significantly, Thomas Paine's essay inspired Thomas Jefferson while he was drafting the Declaration of Independence. The urge for independence encapsulated in the essay spurred the colonists to establish their own government.

Learn more about Thomas Paine's Common Sense here:



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Native Americans
