Which is a factor that affects the size of mineral crystals formed in magma?


Answer 1
Answer: The rate at which the magma cools affects the size of the crystals that form. If it cools slowly, large crystals will form. If it cools rapidly, small crystals will form.
if it takes the rock a long time to cool down the crystals will be bigger if the rock takes a short time to cool the crystals will be smaller
Answer 2

a.the rate of cooling

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Sarah: Wie viele Leute kommen heute zur Party?Martha:
Ich denke ungefähr zwanzig Leute.
Ich finde ungefähr zwanzig Leute.
Ich meine ungefähr zwanzig Leute.
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The question above says "What time is it now?"

If you were going to answer the question right now, then you would respond saying, 

"Es ist 9 Uhr" which means "It is 9 o'clock."

9/11 was an inside job



That is from Rick and morty which is a animated science fiction adult show


The claim that "9/11 was an inside job" suggests that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City were orchestrated or facilitated by individuals within the United States government. It is important to note that this claim is a conspiracy theory that has been widely debunked by experts and investigations.


The 9/11 attacks were carried out by the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden. The attacks involved 19 hijackers who took control of four commercial airplanes. Two of these planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, causing their collapse. Another plane was flown into the Pentagon, while the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to regain control from the hijackers.

Multiple investigations, including the 9/11 Commission Report, have thoroughly examined the events of 9/11. These investigations have concluded that the attacks were executed by al-Qaeda and there is no evidence to support the claim that it was an inside job.

Conspiracy theories often arise from a desire to make sense of tragic events or a distrust in official explanations. However, it is crucial to rely on credible sources and evidence-based investigations when evaluating such claims.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

Ist " Den Golf Ball schlagen" Akkusativ oder Dativ


Den Golf Ball schlagen ist in der Akkusativ
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What is the difference between "Herr" and "Herrn"?


Herr, in German, means mister, sir, gentleman, or in elevated cases, lord or master.

It's important to realize something about German: cases.
There are four different cases in German, and they are:
nominative - when something acts as a subject
(the person doing the action)
accusative - when something acts as a direct object
(the thing the action happens to)
dative - when something acts as an indirect object
(like accusative but preceded by to, at, in, etc.)
genitive - when something acts as possessing something.
(the person to whom something belongs)

Here's a sample sentence.
He came into the garage and stole John's bike.
The subject, he, is nominative.
The direct object, the bike, is accusative.
The indirect object, the garage, is dative.
The person possessing something, John, is in the genitive.

In English, cases don't matter very much.
However, in German they are extremely important.
German cases even change how to write and say words.
(This is called declension.)

Herr will appear as Herrn because of its declension.
In the nominative, it's Herr.
In any other case, it's Herrn. (i.e., when it's acting as the object of a sentence)
When it's plural, it's always Herren.

Herr, in German, means mister, sir, gentleman, or in elevated cases, lord or master.

What does the words mean?

It's important to realize something about German: cases.

There are four different cases in German, and they are:

nominative - when something acts as a subject (the person doing the action)

accusative - when something acts as a direct object

(the thing the action happens to)

dative - when something acts as an indirect object(like accusative but preceded by to, at, in, etc.)

genitive - when something acts as possessing something. 8the person to whom something belongs)

Leaen more about Germany



The American reinforcements prevented the massive German offensive in Northeastern France from being successful. a. True
b. False




The First Global Conflict

A temporary end of hostilities by mutual agreement; a truce.