What was one way the passage of the Factory Acts (1844–1847) affected labor?


Answer 1
Answer: The primary way in which the passage of the Factory Acts (1844–1847) affected labor was that it restricted the working hours in factories to 10 hours a day, which cut back on worker injury and fatigue.
Answer 2


Labor’s work hours were limited.

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A)the Roosevelt Corollary

Answer: I think it is a. the Roosvelt Corollary.


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Answer: Etruscan influence on ancient Roman culture was profound and it was from the Etruscans that the Romans inherited many of their own cultural and artistic traditions, from the spectacle of gladiatorial combat, to hydraulic engineering, temple design, and religious ritual, among many other things.

Explanation: Hope this helps :) Brainliest?


The Etruscans were sea-faring people. They were from Asia Minor. They lived in what would [roughly] be modern Tuscany, and after a couple hundred years, their rule spread to western Italy, including some parts of Rome. After losing control over Rome, the Etruscans attempted many attacks to regain control, but they all failed. After finally falling, the Romans adopted many of the Etruscan advanced arts, customs, and institutions. The Etruscans had many houses, tombs, and monuments, as well as exquisite jewelry, coins, statues of stone, bronze,  terra–cotta, and black pottery that is called bucchero. This art reflects Grecian and Oriental influences.

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