Hammurabis code of laws un dynasty legalism are similar in that both promoted the idea that.. What?


Answer 1
Answer: Hammurabi's code of laws un dynasty legalism are similar in that both promoted the idea that social laws should be transparent and well know, since only then can the vast majority of citizens be expected to follow them.

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Answer: Political climate

Explanation: The political climate is a political model that is used for describing opinions about political society.

  • It is usually used when someone is trying to describe opinions and moods that are changing trough the time, or some opinions that are unstable or people are not sure about them.

This term origins are dating from Middle French word climat and it is used at first to describe the weather and since around 1660 this word is using in politics.


I just took the quiz and the answer is political spectrum.

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Hope this helps :)

Traditional West African religions include a belief that ancestor can intervene in peoples daily lives. This is called



The belief that ancestors can intervene in people's daily lives is commonly referred to as ancestor worship or ancestor veneration. It is a significant aspect of many traditional West African religions.

In these belief systems, ancestors are considered to be powerful spiritual beings who have the ability to influence the fortunes and well-being of their living descendants. They are believed to possess wisdom, experience, and a close connection to the spiritual realm. As a result, people seek their guidance, protection, and blessings.

Ancestor worship involves various practices and rituals aimed at honoring and communicating with the ancestors. These may include offerings of food, drink, and other items at ancestral shrines or gravesites, prayers, libations, and ceremonies. The rituals are often performed by designated individuals, such as priests or family members, who act as intermediaries between the living and the deceased.

The belief in ancestor intervention is deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual traditions of many West African societies. It reflects a belief in the ongoing presence and influence of deceased family members within the lives of their living descendants.