What was a major accomplishment of cleisthenes


Answer 1
Answer: A major accomplishment of the Cleisthenes was that they allowed male citizens to be able to vote on laws and participate in assemblys. Assembly members could then discuss issues freely, hear legal and appoint army officals.

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The guilds affected the way people in the medieval city made a living by organizing citizens who had the same professions in order to regularize work activities, avoid competition, maintain product quality, and make work more efficient and productive.


Associations made up of professional and independent artisans, under equal conditions, emerged in the late Middle Ages (12th to 15th centuries) to protect their interests and maintain the privileges they had earned. Other guilds, without economic relevance, had religious, beneficent or leisure character.

There were guilds of tailors, cobblers, blacksmiths, artisans, traders, plastic artists among other professionals. The guilds had as their main objective the defense of the economic and professional interests of the workers who were part of them.

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Why does the electricity go out ? And also, how does an Air Conditioner work ? Please help me, thanks!
