What were the three L's of power in the 1500's


Answer 1
Answer: The three L's of power was loot, land, and labor
Answer 2
Answer: THE THREE L'S OF POWER IN THE 1500'S. Loot

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During the Revolution, men were off fighting for the new nation. Many of them had to take out loans to keep their farms going in their absence. After the war, the creditors wanted their money. Sometimes the states backed the debtors and ordered the creditors to forgive the debts. But, sometimes they backed the creditors and the peoples' farms - their homes - were foreclosed. Many men were put in debtor prison until family members could come up with the money to get them out.

The new nation was in a horrible crisis with inflation. The war had been financed by loans from Spain and France. The money had to be repaid, but because of the Revolution, a lot of business was lost from the former colonies. Trade with the British West Indies was gone. The new government asked the states for more money, but they said no.

The answer was to print more money, but of course, that never works. It made the money less and less valuable. So now the people had fistfuls of worthless money. So now you have all of these farmers, who had fought in the Revolution, unable to keep their farms. Now they cannot feed their family and they have no property, which at that time meant in most states they could not vote.

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Developing countries, not developed. Developed countries are ones who do not need much help with their economy as the others. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES is correct.

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Pay taxes on teas and other luxuries the British designated

Answer: sup


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what is the novel? message me and i will help

Answer:i think that mary still dosent like herself because even after she arrived at mitheswait there was no one to love her


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“Ghana was in an ideal position to become a trading center. To the north lay the vast Sahara, the source of much of the s​alt.​ Ghana itself was rich in g​old.​People wanted gold for its beauty, but they needed salt in their diets to survive. Salt, which could be used to preserve food, also made bland food tasty. These qualities made salt very valuable. In fact, Africans sometimes cut up slabs of salt and used the pieces as money. As trade in gold and salt increased, Ghana’s rulers gained power. Eventually, they built up armies equipped with iron weapons that were superior to the weapons of nearby people. Over time, Ghana took control of trade from merchants. Merchants from the north and south then met to exchange goods in Ghana. By 800 Ghana was firmly in control of West Africa’s trade routes. Nearly all trade between northern and southern Africa passed through Ghana. With so many trespassing through their lands, Ghana’s rulers looked for ways to make money from them. One way they raised money was by forcing traders to pay t​axes.​Every trader who entered Ghana had to pay a special tax on the goods he carried. Then he had to pay another tax on any goods he took with him when he left. Ghana’s rulers gained incredible wealth from trade, taxes on traders and on the people of Ghana, and their own personal stores of gold. They used their wealth to build an army and an empire.”




Please these answers I need really, really bad!!


The answer is True, True, False, False, True