Germany joined the Triple Alliance to protect itself againsta. Russia.
c. France.
b. Britain.
d. the Ottoman empire.


Answer 1
Answer: Germany joined the Triple Alliance to protect itself from C- France.

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What did Alexis de Tocqueville likely mean when he claimed, "the position of America is therefore quite exceptional"?


The main point Alexis de Tocqueville was trying to make when he said, "the position of America is therefore quite exceptional", was that although America was a land of many freedoms, it was odd in the sense that there existed thousands of slaves who were not free, amongst the free whites. 


Correct. B.) Tocqueville likely meant the United States is a unique nation, not a superior nation, as some would argue.


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What was one goal of the Populist Party?


One goal of the populist party was to lower the amount of immigrants allowed into the United States. They demanded the further restriction of undesirable immigration.

What is the Populist Party?

The People's organization, also known as the Populist Party or simply the Populists, was a late-nineteenth-century left-wing agrarian populist political organisation in the United States. The Populist Party arose as a significant force in the Southern and Western United States in the early 1890s, but collapsed after nominating Democrat William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 United States presidential election.

The Populists were an agrarian-based political movement that sought to improve conditions for farmers and agrarian workers in the nation. Some of its objectives included free coinage of silver, the abolition of protective tariffs, the abolition of national banks, tighter railroad regulation, and direct election of Senators by voter.

Therefore, restriction of migration was one of the goals of the Populist party.

To learn more on Populist Party, click here:


One goal of the populist party was to lower the amount of immigrants allowed into the United States. They demanded the further restriction of undesirable immigration.

To calculate profit, producers subtract their total production cost from their


The producers calculate the total profit by substracting their total production cost from their total income/revenue.

What are total profits?

The total profits are defined as money remaining with the producers when they deduct the entire production cost from their revenue earnings. Hence, it is said as a percentage of total revenue that is left with the business.

Calculation of profits

Therefore, the computation of profit is as below:


Here, P is the profits and TR is total revenue which is derived by multiplying price with total sold quantity. TC is the total cost which is obtained by multiplying the cost by quantity.

Learn more about the calculation of profit here:

How did france build a centralized monarchy after the wars of religion


The era of 16th century was hugely influenced by conflicts on religion which resulted to wars and the rise of Lutheranism. The disputes that existed during these times prompted reflections on theoretical norms which paved way in strengthening the monarchical power. This had helped overcome the crisis and merged the political situation, internally and externally.

Henry IV provisionally concluded the Wars of Religion by circulating the Edict of Nantes in the year 1598, that declared spiritual toleration for the Protestant Huguenots. Henry IV then concentrated on developing a stable, absolutist state by hiring imperial leaders to execute reforms of economy and law. His heirs, Louis XIII and Louis XIV, proceeded on his way, making the royal authority and dis-empowering contending nobles by unpredictably defeating their troops and fascinating them to grow dependent royal attendants. Louis XIV, however, eventually destabilized the royal government when he renounced the Edict of Nantes and placed teasing the economically Huguenot population.

True or False? The Northern Generals were better at strategy than the Southern Generals.


False! The southerners won more battles than the northerners. 
False, because the north lose more than the South 

What is the Cold War ? How did it begin


The Cold War was a period of time in which there was great political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both sides anticipated using mass nuclear weapons, however there were no major fights between them, which gave the Cold War its name. It started after WWII when the Soviet Union started spreading Communism in many European countries. The United States started a strategic global containment (the containment of Communism, keeping it from spreading to other countries) to keep the Soviet Union from spreading. The Soviet Union spread Communism to a part of Europe called the Eastern Bloc, and, in turn, the United States sent aid to the Western Bloc of Europe to stop Communism from spreading to those countries. This created tension between the U.S. and the USSR, called the Cold War.


it started after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945