How did city neighborhoods change as a result of industrialization?Cities became more segregated by class.
Unions organized to represent residents.
New affordable housing was offered to factory workers.
Many different races and ethnicities were integrated.


Answer 1
Answer: One way in which city neighborhoods changed as a result of industrialization was that "Cities became more segregated by class", since people tended to live with those who most closely resembled them for support. 
Answer 2

The correct answers are A) Cities became more segregated by class.

City neighborhoods changed as a result of industrialization because cities became more segregated by class.

The fabrics that were in the large cities attracted many workers. Cities began to grow. Urban areas increased its population. This changed city neighborhoods. This resulted in cities more segregated by class. Wealthy people build their homes in elegant suburbs areas. The upper class was comprised by merchants, bankers, and fabric owners. The middle class had its own decent homes in their neighborhoods. Low class, the workers at the factories, used to live in more modest areas of the cities.

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Option A is correct. Federal Reserve Board is responsible for regulating banks and setting interest loans, although the Federal Reserve plays a larger role in interest rates.

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