The expression that relates emf, potential, current, and resistance is Ohm's law.True or


Answer 1


This expression is True

Since the Ohm's Law "states that the current )I) through a material between two points is proportional to the voltage across the two points." and i defined by this formula:

V = IR

Where V represent the voltage and it's a value related to the emf and the potential

I represent the current

R represent the resistance.

And for this case we have an expression for this case relating the emf , potential, current and resistance


This expression is True

Since the Ohm's Law "states that the current )I) through a material between two points is proportional to the voltage across the two points." and i defined by this formula:

V = IR

Where V represent the voltage and it's a value related to the emf and the potential

I represent the current

R represent the resistance.

And for this case we have an expression for this case relating the emf , potential, current and resistance

Answer 2
Answer: Ohms law:
V = IR The relationship between electrical resistance, current, and voltage is defined by the mathematical relationship V= IR and is referred to as Ohm's law. In this equation "V" stands for voltage, measured in volts, "I" stands for current, measured in amperes, and "R" stands for resistance, measured in Ohms (Ω ).Common sources of voltage in circuits may be chemical cells (a battery is a combinations of cells) and generators. Sources of electrical resistance in circuits may include resistors, light bulb filaments, wire conductors and other electric devices. When solving Ohm's law problems you are expected to solve for any unknown variable.
Example: Determine the voltage of the circuit shown below in diagram "A".Diagram A In this circuit we are given the current from the ammeter .2A. We also can determine the resistance. Since this is a series circuit the total resistance is the sum of the resistances of L1 and L2, 70Ω . We set the problem up and solve it like this.
V=.2A 70Ω
V= 14VThe answer is 14V

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the distance between the charges, or so called infinite charge plates is 150 m, the magnitude of the electric field is 3 x 10^6 N/C and we need to find the voltage, or potential energy, the electric field magnitude is defined as:

E = V/d

therefore, the potential is:

V = E * d

so we have:

V = 3 x 10^6 * 150 = 450 x 10^6 J/C (or volts)

that is the electrical potential difference.