Soccer is the most popular sport in the United States. T f


Answer 1
Answer: It could be true, or false, depending on the persons view, but if you look it up online then I don't think soccer would be the most popular sport in the US. So id say false

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Indirect object goes before the direct object if both of them are present in the sentence. The only such case is the second option, so the correct answer is - The crowd gave THEM a standing ovation at the end of our performance. 


the answer is b :)


Choose the connective that belongs in the blank. She left the party early. Next she went to a movie. _______ she went home.
A. First
B. Finally
C. Meanwhile
D. Next


b is right answer dis question cus that's what she was about to do next

In which sentence is the underlined word a preposition?a. Senator Young objected to the bill, but he didn't say why.
b. The Constitution calls for equal rights for all.
c. She skipped her breakfast, for it was getting late.
d. It was a sunny day, but Jane remained indoors.


D. It was a sunny day, but Jane remained indoors.

This sentence contains the preposition BUT.

BUT is not often used as a preposition. However, it becomes a preposition when it means the same as EXCEPT.

It was a sunny day, except Jane remained indoors. (Same thought)

Preposition are words that indicate location. 

In the sentence, the preposition BUT indicates that Jane is indoors.

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