A circuit component with a high resistance will have a low electric current. a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: You haven't said what 'high' resistance or 'low' current means, so there's way not enough info to nail the statement as true or false. The most precise answer is "certainly could be but not necessarily". Anyway, the current in the circuit depends on BOTH the resistance AND the voltage. So without knowing the voltage too, you can't say anything about the current.

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Since the wave moves by uniform motion, we can use the usual relationship between space, time and velocity:
v= (S)/(t)= (2L)/(t)
where v=343 m/s is the speed of sound. Using this number, we can find L from the previous equation:
L= (vt)/(2)= ((343 m/s)(7.5 s))/(2)=1286 m
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b. increased risk of lung cancer
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All of the following are long-term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT:

A. increased risk of respiratory illness

B. increased risk of lung cancer

C. change in senses

D. increased risk of cardiovascular disease

This is the Correct Answer.

The answer is D.
Cardiovascular diseases are a result of a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet. Secondhand smoke is not a risk factor for CV diseases. The other choice except letter D are long term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke. A person should stay away from people who are smokers so as not to obtain these possible complications within the body. Air filters in cigarettes are not present in the air which make chemical exposures at a higher level for people who are secondhand smokers compared to smokers themselves.

The image shows a ray diagram in a telescope. what lenses are used in the telescope



In a simple telescope two lenses are used, objective lens and eyepiece lens. A parallel beam of light is focused by the objective lens of a telescope and then light passes through an eyepiece forming a magnified image. Above diagram shows the ray diagram of an astronomical telescope.

Gravitational potential energy is a form of potential energyA.) caused by gravity alone.
B.) caused by gravity and that depends on an object's position and mass.
C.) caused by gravity and that depends on an object's mass, but not its position.
D.) caused by gravity and that depends on an object's position, but not its mass.


B. The mass and height dictates the force gravity will pull on it