About what percentage of the Indian population lives in the lower and middle Ganges river basin?A. 50%
B. 40%
C. 70%
D. 60%


Answer 1
Answer: It was about "B. 40%" of the Native American population that lived in the lower and middle Ganges river basin, although that number has been disputed since there's been moderate migration. 

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Who were the Molly Maguires?Select one:
a. Irish coal miners
b. Russian strikebreakers
c. German steelworkers
d. Chinese railway workers


The correct answer is A. The Molly Maguires were an Irish secret society of the 19th century active in Ireland, Liverpool and the USA. This secret society was born in Ireland, among sharecroppers fighting against exploitation by their owners. Mostly known for their activism among the Irish immigrant coal miners in Pennsylvania, after some violent incidents twenty of them were condemned to the gallows in 1877 and 1878.

Molly Maguires were Irish coal miners.

Molly Maguires were mostly based in Pennsylvania in the coal fields/mines. Although, many members of the group were executed or arrested due to many crimes such as murder and kidnapping.

Characteristics of conservatism, liberalism, nationalism and socialism


19th century conservatives wanted to conserve and preserve the historic traditions of government and society. For societies like France and elsewhere on the continent of Europe, that meant going back to monarchs in control of government, as things had been before the French Revolution.

Liberals were those who favored liberty for individuals, with greater rights and freedoms. So the various answers that spoke of voting rights, elected parliaments, and democratic change -- those all were measures favored by liberals in the 19th century, not conservatives.

Nationalism was a 19th century movement that had the ability to attach itself to either conservative or liberal agendas.  In France, feelings of national unity rallied the people to the cause of the French Republic as a liberal form of government.  In Russia, on the other hand, nationalistic pride went hand-in-hand with staunchly conservative and autocratic forms of government.   In the German states, liberals were the ones who first pushed to form a united German nation.  However, it was a more conservative approach under Otto von Bismarck of Prussia that actually accomplished the unification of Germany.  So nationalism can be associated with either liberal or conservative causes -- or both.

Socialism was another ideology with 19th century roots.  Socialism believes members of a society are to contribute to each other's needs and provide help to one another.  The earliest socialist efforts were somewhat small-sized communities or groups that lived and worked together cooperatively, such as the factory town reformed by Robert Owen at New Lanark, Scotland.  In the modern world, socialism generally means national measures through taxes and government programs so that those with more resources in terms of private property provide aid to those less well off.

Conservatism - In favor of traditional values (In the sense of various Religious, Cultural and Nationally defined beliefs and customs) Opposes radical social change etc.
Liberalism - The willingness to put aside traditional values (As above, Religious, Cultural and nationally defined customs) and based off of the idea's of Liberty and Equality.
Nationalism - Strong belief that the interests of the state are of primary importance, and those who share a common Language, History and Culture should constitute an independent nation free of foreign domination ( So basically from anyone who isn't apart of the country, like immigrants etc.) 
Socialism - A range of social and economic ideals characterized by social ownership and Democratic control of the means of production.

Sorry that was so much but just wanted to make sure to get everything important in there! Hope it helped!

What was not one of the successes of the Reconstruction era? A.) African Americans achieved economic equality with whites in the South.

B.) Constitutional amendments abolished slavery and protected legal rights of African Americans.

C.) Southern states were reincorporated into the Union.

D.) Social programs and public education became available to African Americans.



African Americans achieved economic equality with whites in the south


Recreation was essential in that it reestablished the United States as a brought together country by 1877, the majority of the previous Confederate states had created a new constitution that elaborated the amendments as dedicated to the American government

However, Reconstruction bombed by most different measures: Radical enactment was thrown to other slaves who were oppressed by the whites and did not bother about the changes that were opening.

A: because blacks, even though being free, were still treated like slaves and some were even put into sharecropping to ensure they stayed poor

When was World War I?


World War I (WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War, was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.
it started in 1914 and ended in 1918

Which of these best describes a significant shift in focus from Medieval England to Renaissance England?from morally correct to morally corrupt
from abstract to concrete
from secular to non-secular
from life after death to the benefits of worldly living


The correct answer is D) from life after death to the benefits of wordly living.

What best describes a significant shift in focus from Medieval England to Renaissance England is "from life after death to the benefits of wordly living."

This was an important change from the dark ages of the Middle Ages in England, where feudalism allowed some corruptive practices that were exposed during the Renaissance times. People started to be more considerated in doing the right things. Corruptive practices were more exposed to public scrutiny during the Renaissance.

From life after death to the benefits of worldly living.