A main purpose of the president’s State of the Union address is toidentify major policy issues.
explain Supreme Court decisions.
challenge congressional policies.
defend executive branch decisions.


Answer 1

One of the main purposes of the State of the Union Address, delivered by the President, is to identify the major policy issues facing the government, while running the administration of the country.

Further Explanation:

The State of the Union address is an annual message, which is delivered by the President of the United States of America, at the start of a new year, to a joint session of the United States Congress. In the message, the President usually speaks about the country’s budget, as well as an economic report of the country as a whole. It also allows the President to propose a legislative agenda, as well as national priorities. The address is an indispensable requirement to be made by the President of the country, according to Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. According to this, “The President shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

Basically, the President gives The State of Union address speech, in order to highlight his opinion and judgement on economic issues plaguing the country, to the Congress. He mentions particular points on issues that are hindering the nation’s economy. It is also made to inform the public as to the kinds of changes that have been made, as well as to see if the measures have been implemented.

Learn more:

1. What was the impact of president roosevelt’s approval of executive order 9066?  brainly.com/question/1109115

2. Which best describes the representation role of a member of the house of representatives?  brainly.com/question/10663398

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: The Presidency


United States Congress, Article II, Section 3, U.S. Constitution, member, representative, senate,judgement, economic,opinion.

Answer 2

The main purpose of the president’s State of the Union address is to identify major policy issues.

This speech takes place once a year at the Capitol in Washington. Members of the Senate and House of Representatives are present for this important event. This is the only time when the president can address them freely. Outside of this date, he needs the agreement of the majority of the congress to be able to express himself.

Further explanation

The content of the speech is often the same. First, the president reviews the past year and presents the effects or results of his policy on the country. Then, he talks about his projects and vision for the future. It addresses the different challenges that the country has to face. On January 29, 2002, George W. Bush, for example, spoke of the axis of evil, the enemy countries of the United States that support terrorism. This is a way to explain to the public the reasons for the war in Iraq that will happen the following year.

The address on the state of union exists since the creation of the United States at the end of the 18th century. George Washington, the 1st President of the US, inaugurates this speech. However, it was not be pronounced for more than a hundred years, between 1801 and 1913. It was the president Thomas Jefferson who had suppressed it, considering this practice is too monarchical.

Learn more

  1. How to add an amendment in the US Constitution: brainly.com/question/1316306
  2. The articles of Confederation: brainly.com/question/759963
  3. Ratification of the US Constitution: brainly.com/question/1218366

Answer details

Subject: History

Chapter: US Constitution

Keywords: US policy, history of the US Constitution, United States presidents, democracy in the United States

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1. Egypt: c. Hieroglyphs

2. Mesopotamia: a. Cuneiform

3. Indus Valley: b. Pictographs


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mongol invasion


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A push factor is
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he told me