What is a unconformity


Answer 1


An unconformity is an area where the rock layers do not line up.  These are caused by erosion or periods without any deposition.


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What is 1.0079 rounded to the nearest whole






The place value we must round to in order to get a whole number for this number is the one's place value, which the number 1 is occupying.

Now, we look at the previous place value to determine whether we round up or not. If it is 5 or greater, we round up and if not, the number stays the same. Because the previous place value is a 0 and 0 is less than 5, the 1 just stays the same.


I hope this helps!




Rounded to the nearest whole means a number with no decimal

Since it is .0 we do not need to round and the answer is just 1

11) Changes in the DNA sequence that affect the expression of genetic information are called infiltration's replications 8) mutations transformations


The answer is B) mutation

A mutation is the alteration of a nucleotide sequence in DNA. Changed DNA sequence is transcribed into RNA. This changed RNA sequence is translated into misformed protein.

Replication is a process in which DNA molecule is copied, and thereby two identical DNA molecules are produced. Transformation is a process of incorporation of the foreign genetic material into cell's genetic material.




Choose a safe seafood choice for sushi. why is it safe?



The safest fish to consume raw are tuna and farmed salmon. Mostly because they are the least likely to have parasite....!!


Final answer:

The safest seafood choice for sushi is fish that has been either frozen or cooked to eliminate the risk of parasites. Pregnant women and young children should avoid seafood with high mercury content and opt for fish low in mercury instead.


The safest seafood choice for sushi is fish that has been either frozen or cooked before eating. Freezing or cooking their meat kills worms and larvae that may be present, reducing the risk of infection. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends that pregnant women and young children avoid certain seafood with high mercury content, such as swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish, and instead consume fish low in mercury like salmon, tilapia, shrimp, pollock, and catfish.

Freezing or cooking seafood for sushi is important because it eliminates the risk of ingesting harmful worms and larvae that may be present in the meat. This helps to ensure food safety. Additionally, the accumulation of heavy metals like mercury and cadmium in certain seafood poses health risks, especially for pregnant women and young children. Choosing seafood with lower mercury content like salmon, tilapia, shrimp, pollock, and catfish is a safer option.

Overall, it is crucial to consider both the hygiene and health aspects when choosing safe seafood for sushi. Freezing or cooking ensures the elimination of potential parasites, while avoiding seafood with high mercury content reduces the consumption of harmful heavy metals.

Learn more about Seafood safety here:



Which is a homologous chromosome pair?


The correct answer is option D, tetrad

Tetrad consist of two homologous chromosomes resulting into a foursome of DNA formed during meiosis. The 46 chromosomes in humans replicate during the process of meiosis. The original chromosomes and the replicated chromosome get attached to form conjoined twins, known as sister chromatids. During the prophase of meiosis, a four - part structure is formed which consists of two homologous chromosomes with two sister chromatids in each chromosomes.

I just took a test on this subject and the correct answer is D Tetrad.

Over time, a tadpole changes into a frog. Has it evolved? No, because its genes are still the same.
No, because its body did not change enough.
Yes, because its structural form changed over time.
Yes, because its genes have changed.



The correct answer would be "No because its genes are still the same".  

The process by which a tadpole changes into a frog is termed as metamorphosis, not evolution.

During this process, the physical transformation of an organism takes place through cell growth as well as cell differentiation.

No genetic transformation takes place and thus, no evolution takes place during this transformation.

No, because its genes are still the same. To evolvewould mean that the frog had one set of genes as a tadpole, then a different set as an adult. It just doesn't work that way. The genes are the same.

with your group describe a short statemetn that describes the connection between nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, plants, fish, and decomposers


When there is an excess amount of nutrients for water plants, Eutrophication occurs. It is a form of Water Pollution. During the Eutrophication, nutrients are released from the sewage to water. With the excess amount of nutrients, algaes and other aquatic plants growth increase. When they die, decomposers use the oxygen in the water for the process. The animals and fishes will die due to lack of oxygen levels.