Why is it important to study cells


Answer 1
Answer: Because cells are in ever living thing

Answer 2

Final answer:

Studying cells is important because it helps us understand the fundamental units of life, address diseases healthconditions, contribute to our understanding of evolution and ecology.


Studying cells is important because it helps us understand the fundamental units of life and the processes that occur within living organisms. Studying cells also allows us to understand and address various diseases and health conditions. Furthermore, studying cells contributes to our understanding of evolution and the ecological connections between organisms.

Learn more about Importance of studying cells here:



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A protein,such as a globulin or  histone, that yields only amino acids upon hydrolysis. 
Most of the proteins in egg yolks have lipoproteins. The lipoproteins are divided into two groups: a plasma and a granule fraction. The granule portion has a phosphoprotein, that is 54% serine. Serine is a amino acid that can act as a carrier of calcium or iron ions in biological systems.

Aiding in emotional processing and arousal functions are functions of the __________.a. thalamus
b. hypothalamus
c. cerebrum
d. forebrain


Thalamus of central brain regulates emotions and thinking process of the body. It is involve emotional processing and arousal functions are functions of the thalamus. Thus, option A is correct

What are the difference Between Thalamus and Hypothalamus ?

The are several components of human brain like cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem.

A structure called diencephalon present between two hemispheres of cerebrum which has a structure like thalamus,hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus.

Thalamus is a gray matter responsible for sensory and motor activities,  alertness, consciousness or wakefulness in humans.

Hypothalamus  is a small part of the brain regulates internal balance,  send signals to the pituitary gland to produce hormones, regulates heart rate, blood pressure, body weight, appetite, body temperature and sleep cycle.

Certain hormones secreted by hypothalamus are oxytocin, Anti -diuretic hormone, Gonadotropin, Prolactin hormone etc.

Hence, option A is correct

Learn more about Thalamus, here:




a. the thamlalus


Unlike identical twins, fraternal twins A. are always the same sex

B. are produced from two identical embryos

C. result from two eggs fertilized by two different sperms.

D. is wrong


C. 2 eggs, 2 different sperm

Phylogenetic trees are also called




Phylogenetic trees are also called cladograms


-A phylogeny, or evolutionary tree, represents the evolutionary relationships among a set of organisms or groups of organisms, called taxa (singular: taxon). The tips of the tree represent groups of descendant taxa (often species) and the nodes on the tree represent the common ancestors of those descendants.

-The root of the tree represents the ancestral lineage, and the tips of the branches represent the descendants of that ancestor. As you move from the root to the tips, you are moving forward in time. When a lineage splits (speciation), it is represented as branching on a phylogeny.

Final answer:

Phylogenetic trees are also called evolutionary trees or phylograms and are used in biology to represent the evolutionary relationships among organisms.


Phylogenetic trees are also called evolutionary trees or phylograms. They are diagrams used in biology to represent the evolutionary relationships among organisms or groups of organisms.

Learn more about Phylogenetic trees here:



What element is needed for cellular respiration?



It is essential in all living organisms. In the process of the food making of plants, oxygen is the waste product and carbon dioxide is needed in manufacturing food. Molecular oxygen is one of the nutrients commonly used by plant and animal cells in respiration.

Final answer:

The element needed for cellular respiration is oxygen. Oxygen is essential in the final stage of cellular respiration, the Electron Transport Chain, where it acts as the final electron acceptor. The absence of oxygen would lead cells to resort to anaerobic respiration that yields less energy.


The element needed for cellular respiration is oxygen. Cellular respiration is a process by which cells break down glucose and other molecules in the presence of oxygen to produce energy. The process can be broken down into three stages: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle), and the Electron Transport Chain. Oxygen plays a crucial role in the final stage, the Electron Transport Chain, where it acts as the final electron acceptor and combines with the hydrogen ions to form water.

Without oxygen, the Electron Transport Chain cannot occur. If oxygen is not available, cells may resort to an alternative method known as anaerobic respiration, or fermentation, but this produces significantly less energy. Hence, oxygen is a vital element required for efficient cellular respiration.

Learn more about oxygen here:



Which term refers to a solution with more molecules outside the cell than inside the cell?


The answer to the question presented above would be 'hypertonic'. A hypertonic solution is the term that refers to a solution with more molecules outside the cell than inside the cell.