Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the ability of the English to profit from their colonies in the New World?A.Their well-developed merchant class
B.The abundance of rare natural resources in their colonies
C.Their previous experience with commerce and industry with other countries and aristocracies
D. The power and autonomy they afforded the British East India Company


Answer 1
Answer: "A.Their well-developed merchant class" did not contribute to the ability of the English to profit from their colonies in the New World, since this interaction is what helped build the mercantile mindset in the first place. 

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Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts redrew the Congressional districts in his state in order to B) give his party unfair political advantage. In this process the political party in power redraws political boundaries in order to make victory in future elections easier for that party. 
B. To give his party unfair political advantage. 

Elbridge Gerry of Massachussetts redraw the congressional districts in his state to give his party unfair political advantage

Elbridge Gerry was a delegate to the Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of independence, but was initially opposed to the Constitution. He was elected Governor of Massachusetts, where he became known for dividing electoral districts for political gain. 

What technology helped propagate consumerism and uniformity of American life in the 1950s?a.)AM radio



d.)the transistor


There were several pieces of technology that helped propagate consumerism and uniformity of American life in the 1950s but by far the best option is "television".


television is the answer

Hope this helps dear!!

What happened during kristallnacht answers


Jewish shops were looted, windows were busted, and homes were destroyed. Jewish people had to pay for the damages on top of that
Kristallnacht or night of broken glass occurred before WWll. It was an event performed by the Nazi party where they destroyed and pillaged Jewish homes and shops. Jewish buildings were burned and the Jews themselves were beaten.

How did propaganda encourage more Americans to support Prohibition in the early 1900s?



The Anti-Saloon League lobbied Congress to encourage its representatives to support Prohibition.

Propaganda during the early 1900s depicted alcohol as a destroyer of morality and productivity. The use of propaganda was particularly effective during World War I, where the prohibitionists linked their campaign to anti-German sentiments and patriotism. Despite initial success, public opposition and enforcement issues caused the repeal of Prohibition in 1933.

Propaganda played a significant role in encouraging more Americans to support Prohibition in the early 1900s. Much of this propaganda was geared towards portraying alcohol as a destroyer of family values, morality, and productivity. Organisations such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League were very active, associating alcohol with societal problems and promoting its ban.

During World War I, anti-German sentiments also played into the hands of the prohibitionists as many of the breweries were owned by German immigrants. By linking Prohibition to patriotism and the war effort, the supporters were able to gain more public backing. Various propaganda materials were used, such as posters and flyers, emphasising the need for rationing resources and casting alcohol as a wasteful indulgence.

The Progressive Reformers and the Anti-Saloon League pushed the prohibitionist agenda at a grassroots level, state by state, to effect changes. However, significant enforcement issues coupled with public opposition eventually led to the repeal of Prohibition in 1933.

Learn more about Prohibition and Propaganda here:



Which of the following statements does not describe the importance of the Alaskan Purchase? The land lacks valuable raw materials. The discovery of gold brought many settlers to the region. It is a land with rich oil deposits.


The statement that doesn't describe the importance of the Alaskan Purchase is the one that says that the land lacks of valuable raw materials.

In 1867, US Secretary of State William H. Seward carried out the purchase of Alaska from Russia for US $ 7.2 million. The lack of cash from Russia (in a complicated financial situation) and the fear of losing territory in some future conflict with their British rivals, urged Tsar Alexander II to sell the territory to the United States after the failure in the Crimean War . The purchase became effective on October 18, 1867, today remembered as Alaska Day. Although the purchase was harshly criticized at the time of its occurrence, popularly known to Americans as the "Seward Madness," "Seward's Fridge," or "Andrew Johnson's Polar Bear Park," since it seemed unwise to spend so much money on such a remote region. But finally it was seen as an advantageous business thanks to the discovery of gold in Yukon as well as oil. In the 1890s, the territories of Alaska and the Yukon suffered an exploitation of their mines due to the gold rush, known as the Klondike gold rush, the name of the main deposit, and they continued to be exploited even though the gold reserves declined.

I just took this quiz! :) The answer is A. The land lacks valuable raw materials.

An introduction about the American Revolution.​



The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) resulted from a conflict between the British government and British subjects living in the thirteen American colonies. At the time, only propertied, upper-class men could vote in England and in most elections within America. ...Oct 18, 2020
