Why is the demand for environmental scientists and specialists expected to increase?


Answer 1

The goal of environmental science is to demonstrate the importance of the interrelationships between the different physical and biological components of the biosphere and to develop a set of scientific concepts and concepts to directly assess the causes and possible relationships to crises. environmental shaking our societies.

Earth's environment is constantly changing, especially in recent years with the advent of industry, deforestation and increased pollution that has disrupted many systems at the level of the biosphere (physical and biological), so the need of environmental scientists so that it can predict future events and how to restore the biosphere system.

Answer 2
Answer: because of the increased toll of damage we have put on the environment we will need many people of this field in order to fix the already immense damage we have done 

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DNA is sometimes referred to as the blue print of the cell's information because it is the store house in which all genetic information necessary for the cell's survival and reproduction is kept.

Without DNA, there cannot be any continuation of life and  no new generation of organisms. All living cells and organisms are essentially made up of protein in different forms. 

Which of these is true with respect to cladistics?


If this question has the same list of choices like the previous ones, the answer would be letter B.. It is based on phylogeny. 
>Cladistics is defined as the classification of organisms based on the branchings of descendant lineages from a common ancestor.

The following are the choices to the question stated above.
A. It is the same as phylogeny. 
B. It is based on phylogeny. 
C. It is a branch of phylogeny



It is based on phylogeny.

Explanation: i just did a test on this, and this was a question

What does the data in the graph predict?A) muscles should shiver with greater force as the body becomes colder

B) muscles should shiver with less force as the body becomes colder

C) the greater the size of a muscle, the more heat it produces

D) the smaller the size of a muscle, the more heat it produces





Final answer:

Muscles are predicted to shiver with greater force as the body becomes colder, as a response initiated by the brain's heat-gain center to generate heat and maintain body temperature.


Based on the data provided regarding shivering as a mechanism of thermoregulation, the best prediction is that muscles will shiver with greater force as the body becomes colder. This is because as the temperature drops, the brain's heat-gain center is activated, leading to an increase in random signals to skeletal muscles causing them to contract. Shivering involves these muscle contractions that generate heat to raise the body temperature and prevent the body from losing too much heat.

Learn more about Shivering Mechanism here:



A specific tRNA can only attach to a specific type of amino acid. True or False?


The correct answer is True.

What would happen if you were given pure water in an IV?


The question is what would happen if you are given pure water in an IV. The answer is, the pure water will disrupt the osmotic balance of the body. Saline solutions are usually used in IV, this is because, there is a need to maintaint the osmotic pressure between the body cells and body fluids. Cell membranes are selectively permeable, infusing the body system with pure water will make pure water to rush into cells, dilute the contents and make the cells to swell up.

I belive that the correct answer is you will undergo a condition called metabolic acidosis.


The pH of blood is 7.35 and the pH of pure water ranges from 7-8.5 but it is most steady at a pH of 7. Infusing tap water would prove to be detrimental due to a combination of problems. Pure water contains minerals and ions that make the pH of the water more acidic. Adding an acidic liquid into the bloodstream directly will cause a spike of blood pH. To balance this acidic pH, the respiration of the person will increase so that breathing will be shallow to provide oxygen while removing more carbon dioxie. CO2 contributes to the pH of the body by making the blood more acidic when it forms carbonic acid. Reducing it in circulation will increase the pH of blood. Using the lungs to balance the pH is called respiratory compensation and in the instance of metabolic acidosis, the situation will be metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. The body will also turn to the kidney where the kidneys will stop reabsorbing more sodium ions so that when the ions are released in urine, the pH in blood will try to stabilize. This will be a problem because water will be lost as sodium ions are lost and the person involved will start to have cardiovascular conditions such as arrhythmias and muscle spasms since sodium is essential for muscles to communicate. Dehydration would range from moderate to severe and if left unattended, the person is going to have a stroke in the brain. With the brain shutting down due to the stroke, the person will not be able to breathe as ast as the body wanted to regulate the pH. So basically, the body would sabotage itself and it is a very bad idea to try to infuse pure water. Pure water is also not sterile meaning there are microorganisms that live in it and if added into the bloodstream, they can cause severe blood infections that can lead to sepsis and this will just worsen the condition of the person over time. To diagnose the acidosis, a test called Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) is done to asses the balance of acids and bases in the blood and find out how to correct them to return homeostasis back to normal.

Learn More:

Learn more about the circulatory system: brainly.com/question/2093482

Learn more about homeostasis: brainly.com/question/1601808?source=aid8181116

Learn more about the heart: brainly.com/question/967969?source=aid8181676

Level: College

Subject: Clinical Chemistry

Topic: Metabolic Disorders

What is climate forcing?
I need a short answer



Changes to Earth's radiative equilibrium that cause temperatures to rise or fall over decadal periods are called climate forcings.


Is this short enough?

Climate forcing is the process of affecting/changing the climate on the Earth through forcing factors.

These forcing factors are out of the climate system, and include things like volcanic eruptions, changing solar radiation levels, and changing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.