After a puncture wound or broken skin or mucous membrane contact with blood or other potentially infectious fluids, the first step is to


Answer 1
Answer: clean the wound to prevent infection

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Susan, a mother with type B blood, has a child with type O blood. She claims that James, who has type A blood, is the father. He claims that he is not the father. Blood and DNA tests ordered by the judge reveal that James is homozygous dominant for type A blood. The judge rules thata. James is right, he can not be the father

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c. Susan is not the real mother of the child and an error was made in the nursery

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The correct answer is A.

explain why acid rain smog ocean acidification and global warming are indirect results of air population


Acid rain, smog, ocean acidification and global warming are indirect result of air pollution because these factors are interconnected.
Water contains gas like carbon dioxide, but too much carbon dioxide makes the water acidic.
One example is the carbonated water drinks, it contains carbon dioxide that makes it acidic. 
hope it helped


Acid rain, smog, ocean acidification and global warming and the impact they have on air pollution is not directly related to the toxicity of the gases. Acid rain and ocean acidification occur when pollutant gases react in the environment to form acid. Smog impacts the environment by filtering out sunlight and leaving less available for plants to use. Global warming occurs because greenhouse gases cause earth to retain more of the heat it collects from the sun.


Acid rain, smog, ocean acidification and global warming are indirect result of air pollution because these factors are interconnected. Water contains gas like carbon dioxide, but too much carbon dioxide makes the water acidic. Water contains gas like carbon dioxide, but too much carbon dioxide makes the water acidic.

BRAINLYEST IF CORRECT! 2 QUESTIONS. HELP FAST PLEASE!!5. A light bulb converts electrical energy into light energy and also some thermal energy. The amount of electrical energy is 50 Joules before the conversions.

What is the total amount of energy after the conversion?

A. 50 Joules because as energy converts from one form to another, it cannot be created or destroyed during the conversion.
B. 55 Joules because as more electricity comes in to the light bulb, the Joules increase.
C. 100 Joules because you start with one form of energy and end up with two forms, so the amount of energy doubles.
D. 45 Joules because some energy is lost when it is put off as heat.

6. Water that flows from behind a large dam can cause machines to produce electricity. What change takes place?

A. Sound energy changes into electrical energy.
B. Mechanical energy is used to produce electrical energy.
C. Chemical energy is used to produce electrical energy.
D. Heat energy changes into mechanical energy.



The answer is A. In thermodynamics, the first law of conservation states that energy can never be destroyed or created but can only be transformed from one form to another. Therefore part of the electric energy was converted to light energy while the other dissipated as heat. However, the summation of the energy of these tow outputs in joules remains the same as initial electric energy.


The answer is B. This is because the water in the dam is used to turn turbines hence this form of energy is mechanical energy. As the turbines turn, they turn electromagnets that convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy

A runner is three quarters of the way through a marathon. Which systems are working to maintain oxygen levels for the runner's muscles?a. integumentary, excretory, nervous, endocrine
b. circulatory, excretory, nervous, endocrine
c. respiratory, excretory, nervous, endocrine
d. circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine


The correct answer is D. circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine 

The other systems mentioned in the first three examples don't maintain oxygen levels at that body strain level.


option D : circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine


The circulatory system of the body maintains the flow of oxygen, nutrients and blood in the body. The respiratory system allows the uptake of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide. Thus maintaining oxygen requirement of the runner. The nervous system regulates the process of breathing in the body. The endocrine system provides signals that works together with respiratory system.

The integumentary system comprises nail, skin, exocrine glands and hairs. The excretory system involves removal of waste from the body. Thus, option D is correct.

Which is a negative consequence of using DNA technology in forensics?


DNA profiling has many uses, both positive and negative, in our society.
Aside from its usefulness in many legal investigations, DNA profiling can be
used in the workplace to discriminate against employees whose profiles could
pose a financial risk. For example, genetic technology can and has been used to
determine the capacity of a person to contract certain diseases, such as sickle-
cell anemia, which could cause many employers to hesitate in the hiring and
training of such people. In the early 1970's, the United States began a carrier
screening for sickle-cell anemia, which affects 1 in 400 African-Americans.
Many of those identified as carriers mistakenly thought they were afflicted with
this debilitating disease. Furthermore, confidentiality was often breached, and
in some cases, carriers were discriminated against and denied health insurance.
Nevertheless, genetic profiling has been beneficial in paternity suits and rape
cases, where the father or the assailant could be identified. However, despite
its growing number of utilizations, DNA profiling is extremely hazardous when
results are inaccurate or used to discriminate.
The frequency of genetic testing in criminal investigations (more than
1,000 in the U.S. since 1987) has been increasing dramatically despite the
inconclusive testing by the scientific community in many aspects of forensic

Biological process
The use of genetically modified organisms has sparked significantcontroversy in many areas.Some groups or individuals see the generationand use of GMO as intolerable meddling with biological states orprocesses that have naturally evolved over long periods of time, whileothers are concerned about the limitations of modern science to fullycomprehend all of the potential negative ramifications of geneticmanipulation. Other people see this as a continuation in the rolehumanity has occupied for thousands of years, modifying the genetics ofcrops by selecting specimen of crops with the most desirablecharacteristics as parent for the next generation of crops.
The safety of GMOs in the foodchain has been questioned by someenvironmental groups, with concerns such as the possibilities that GMOscould introduce new allergens into foods, or contribute to the spread ofantibiotic resistance.According to a study published in 1999, there wasno current evidence to suggest that the processes used to geneticallymodify food were inherently harmful. However, a number of more recentstudies have raised concern, and environmental groups still discourageconsumption in many countries, claiming that GM foods are unnatural andtherefore unsafe.Such concerns have led to the adoption of laws andregulations that require safety testing of any new organism produced forhuman consumption.
GMOs' proponents note that because of the safety testing requirementsimposed on GM foods, the risk of introducing a plant variety with a newallergen or toxin using genetic modification is much smaller than usingtraditional breeding processes. Transgenesis has less impact on theexpression of genomes or on protein and metabolite levels thanconventional breeding or plant (non-directed) mutagenesis. An example ofan allergenic plant created using traditional breeding is the kiwi. Onearticle calculated that the marketing of GM salmon could reduce thecost of salmon by half, thus increasing salmon consumption andpreventing 1,400 deaths from heart attack a year in the United States.
Trade in Europe and Africa
In response to negative public opinion, Monsanto announced its decisionto remove their seed cereal business from Europe, and environmentalistscrashed a World Trade Organization conference in Cancun that promoted GMfoods and was sponsored by Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow(CFACT). Some African nations have refused emergency food aid fromdeveloped countries, fearing that the food is unsafe. During aconference in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, Kingsley Amoako,Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa(UNECA), encouraged African nations to accept genetically modified foodand expressed dissatisfaction in the public’s negative opinion ofbiotechnology.
Agricultural surpluses
Patrick Mulvany, Chairman of the UK Food Group, accused somegovernments, especially the Bush administration, of using GM food aid asa way to dispose of unwanted agricultural surpluses. The UN blamed foodcompanies and accused them of violating human rights, calling ongovernments to regulate these profit-driven firms. It is widely believedthat the acceptance of biotechnology and genetically modified foodswill also benefit rich research companies and could possibly benefitthem more than consumers in underdeveloped nations

The consumer price index is one way the government measures _____?


The most widely used measure of inflation and is sometimes viewed as an indicator of the effectiveness of government economic policy. so inflation :)