The part of the US government that carries out laws is thelegislative branch.
judicial branch.
executive branch.
congressional branch.


Answer 1


executive branch


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According to the lesson, which U.S. President opened up diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China?Jimmy Carter
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon


The correct answer is Richard Nixon.

President Nixon visited the People's Republic of China in 1972.

It was the end of the 25-year-long no communication period between these two countries and the first step in normalizing relations. It was also done to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union.

Nixon said that this visit 'changed the world' because it drove a wedge between the Soviet Union and China and shifted the relationship between the three countries during the Cold War.

This visit made it possible for Americans to see the first imagines of China for over two decades.

President Richard Nixon

What did a food surplus lead to?


A food surplus led to increase in population.

Foos surplus is defined as an amount, or quantity that is greater than needed. agricultural produce or a quantity of food grown by a nation or area in excess of its needs, especially such a quantity of food purchased and stored by a governmental program of guaranteeing farmers a specific price for certain crops. In other words, it means that the quantity of food products outnumbers the amoun needed.

A food surplus leads to an increase in population.

Further Explanations:

A food surplus can be considered as a state that occurs when the supply of food exceeds the demand. The case happens when the mode of production is highly proficient and productive but the rate of consumption is minimal and diminishable value. In this instance,farmers plant more crops to produce more food. The condition is also favored more by efficient irrigation facilities. The positive results of this situation is that the area is able to hold a large population.  

During the instance of Food Surplus, the agricultural production exceeds the nation’s need   and in this case the government stores and sell food to other nation. The selling of food also increases the export of the nation. The selling and storing of food guarantees farmers a specific worth for the crops. We can also say that the quantity of cropsoutnumbers the amount needed.  

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Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Food surplus

Keywords: food surplus, exceeds, proficient, productive, minimal, diminishable value, irrigation facilities, nation’s, government, outnumbers, crops  

Which of these BEST gives the time period associated with "Manifest Destiny?"A) 1800-1830
B) 1830-1860
C) 1860-1880
D) 1880-1900


The best time period associated with the Manifest Destiny is the year 1830-1860, which is letter b. The manifest destiny is being defined as a belief which is found in the United States where in, their settlers are being destined to be able to expand across the North America.

Most of the 1,300, British settlers who landed in Australia in 1788 wereA) soldiers.
B) prisoners.
C) gold seekers.
D) religious pilgrims.


The British originally used Australia as a prison so B) Prisoners.
B. Prisoners were the first settlers to land in Australia
Australia became a sort of home that convicts were sent to. Before that Australia was inhabited by its native people called the aboriginals.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONWhat does it take to reunite a nation torn apart by civil war?

Please hurry



The application of what I called the 3 R's :- Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Reconciliation. These will help to unite a nation torn apart by civil war.


For the country to be united, there is need to show judicious efforts towards it. This could be be declaration of  "No victor, No vanquished " in-order to douse the tension between the warring factions.

Also, there should be immediate plan to reconstruct the areas destroyed by bombs during the war. Likewise in same light, plans should be set in motion to rehabilitate the people who experiences the war in terms of financial support to re-establish their business, visit hospital for counselling etc.

Lastly, there should be a judicial committee setup in-order to look into the grievances that led to the war and find a way to reconcile the people and resolve those issues.

Checking blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise is important for diabetics.TRUE/FALSE


Yes, it is true that checking blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise is important for diabetics, since any dramatic fluctuations in these levels can lead to physical harm. 

Checking blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise is important.

It is TRUE.

People who have diabetes are always fighting to keep blood sugar under control and exercising has positive effects on blood sugar.

As glucose levels reach their peak within 90 minutes after a meal, it is recommended to start exercising 30 minutes after the beginning of it.

Before starting exercising, the person should measure blood sugar because during workout blood sugar usually rises due to hormonal reasons. Consequently, it is extremely important to measure blood sugar during and after exercising as well.