Before the demands of free trade, who held a monopoly on Chinese trade?a. Chinese merchants
c. The Portuguese
b. The British
d. Japan


Answer 1
Answer: Before the demands of free trade, it was "the British" who held a monopoly on Chinese trade, since they had developed trade routes with each other over the course of hundreds of years. 

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A major criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs to combat the Great Depression was that these programs made people dependent on the federal government.

So the correct answer is D.

Hope this helps,


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Select three events from the list of five given below - one showing isolationism, one showing intervention, and one showing imperialism . Using complete sentences, write one paragraph describing the event and explaining whether it should be categorized as isolationism, intervention, or imperialism. In a second paragraph, explain the reason for the U.S course of action in each event. •The United States annexes Hawaii in 1900.
•The United States declines to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849.
•The United States proposes the Open Door Policy in 1899.
•The United States annexes Samoa in 1899.
•The United States attempts to mediate in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute in 1895.
which one is best to do ????



pls dont copy its in the file


Final answer:

The annexation of Hawaii is imperialistic, declining aid to Hungarian patriots represents isolationism, and intervening in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute is interventionist. Each U.S. action was motivated by strategic, economic, and doctrinal reasons, respectively.


The United States annexation of Hawaii in 1900 represents imperialism. This event involved the U.S. extending its territory by taking over the independent Kingdom of Hawaii through political and economic means, ultimately leading to Hawaii's annexation as a U.S. territory.

The United States declining to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849 illustrates isolationism. During this period, the U.S. government decided not to involve itself in Europe's revolutionary movements, showing a preference for focusing on domestic issues rather than international conflicts.

Lastly, when the United States attempted to mediate in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute in 1895, this was an example of intervention. By intervening, the U.S. was engaging in a dispute that did not directly involve them, exercising influence over international affairs in accordance with the Monroe Doctrine, which opposed European colonialism in the Americas.

In the case of annexing Hawaii, the motivation for the U.S. was to secure a strategic military and economic position in the Pacific. For the reluctance to aid Hungarian patriots, it was a desire to avoid entanglement in European conflicts. The intervention in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute was driven by the aim to enforce the Monroe Doctrine and demonstrate American hegemony in the Western Hemisphere.

Learn more about U.S. Foreign Policy here:


What effect did perestroika have on the Soviet system of government?A. It weakened Communist control of the Soviet Union.
B. It reformed the Soviet government into a modern democracy.
C. It strengthened Communist control of the Soviet Union.
D. It brought in economic reforms that saved the Soviet economy.


Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, in the period from 1985 to 1991, worked on reforming the Soviet Union and Communism, introducing Perestroika, which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the enormous weakening of the Communist Party, and the abolition of the Warsaw Pact. Following the abolition of the Soviet Union and the establishment of the Russian Federation, the governments of Russia went through the transit period of consolidation of the economy and redirection to market flows, sometimes less, sometimes more successful. It can not be said that the reformed economy has helped the government to develop into a modern democracy, nor that the old way of the Soviet economy was held and saved.

The answer is A.

well from what I found I would think A

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The british because the us was with the british