Which of the following is a method that geneticists use to determine if an individual has chromosome abnormalities?


Answer 1


The correct answer would be karyotype of an individual.

Karyotype is the diagrammatic representation of the number and appearance of the chromosomes of an organism.

It determines the count of the chromosomes, their length, banding patterns, position of centromeres, difference between the sex chromosomes and other physical characteristics if present.

It helps in determining the presence of any chromosomal abnormalities in an organism.

For example, Turner syndrome (45, XO), Klinfelter syndrome (47, XXY), Down syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 21) et cetera .

Answer 2
Answer: The answer would be karyotype of the individual chromosomes

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Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease. This means that someone can get sickle cell disease if they receive the sickle genes from BOTH parents. If someone receives a sickle gene from only one parent, then this person does not have sickle cell disease, but instead has the sickle cell trait. This means that they can still pass the trait on to their offspring. Because Juan's father had sickle cell disease and Juan does not, he carries the sickle trait. Since Gina's maternal grandmother had sickle cell disease, Gina's mother had a 50 percent chance of carrying the trait. Since Gina's father doesn't have the trait, Gina thus has a 25 percent chance of carrying the trait. If Gina has a 25 percent chance of carrying the trait and Juan has a 100 percent chance, then together they have a 125/200 chance of both passing the trait on to their children. 125/200 = .625, so they would have a 62.5 percent chance of passing on this trait to their children. Although this percentage does not mean their children would definitely have sickle cell disease, I would advise Juan and Gina to weigh their options, since 62.5 is more than 50 percent.

Which best describes biogeographic isolation?



B. It cannot lead to evolution


I took the test on edge.

Bio-geographic isolation is the separation of part/a whole species due to either biological or geographical reasons.

Biological could be lack of food, or a more preferable source of food somewhere else, etc. Geographical could be rivers, oceans, mountains, etc.

Tratando-se sobre atividades aeróbias, segundo Cooper (1972), qual das alternativas abaixo não está correta? a) Aumento da eficiência dos pulmões e coração. b) Aumento das cavidades do coração, aumento do volume total de sangue e volume máximo de oxigênio (aumento da absorção, captação e transporte de oxigênio). c) Aumento do número e tamanho dos vasos sanguíneos. d) Melhora da tonicidade muscular e dos vasos sanguíneos. e) Diminuição do colesterol bom (HDL), aumento do colesterol mal (LDL) URGENTE



Diminuição do colesterol bom (HDL), aumento do colesterol mal (LDL)


Esto debe revertirse, debe ser una disminución del colesterol malo y un aumento del colesterol bueno.

Básicamente, el ejercicio aumenta el HDL y reduce los triglicéridos. En condiciones normales, los ejercicios aeróbicos no reducen el LDL. Sin embargo, cuando se combina con cambios en la dieta y una pérdida de peso bien controlada, el efecto combinado podría reducir el LDL.

En las condiciones estándar, el ejercicio recomendado por semana es de 150 minutos de ejercicios suaves o 75 minutos de ejercicio vigoroso por semana.

Por lo tanto, cuando se calcula por semana, esto sería un promedio de 20 minutos de ejercicio por día.

Andar en bicicleta, caminar, hacer jardinería y aeróbicos acuáticos son ejemplos prácticos de ejercicios leves o moderados que podrían aumentar el HDL. Sin embargo, el baile aeróbico, el trote y el salto de cuerda son ejemplos de ejercicios vigorosos que, cuando se combinan con la dieta y la pérdida de peso, conducen a una disminución del LDL.

This should be reversed, it should be a decrease in bad cholesterol and an increase in good cholesterol.

Basically, exercise boosts the  HDL and lower triglycerides. Under normal conditions, Aerobic exercises do not reduce LDL. However, when combined with dietary changes and well-monitored weight loss the combined effect could lower LDL.

Under the standard conditions, the recommended exercise per week is 150 minutes of mild exercises or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week.

Therefore, when calculated per week this would be an average of  20 minutes of exercise per day.

Biking, walking, Gardening, and water aerobic are practical examples of mild or moderate exercises that could boost HDL. However, Aerobic dancing, jogging, and rope jumping are examples of vigorous exercises which when combined with dieting and weight losses leads to a lowering of LDL.

Explain why there is a lagging strand (during DNA Replication).


there's a lagging strand during DNA replication when the DNA synthesis becomes discontinuous.


DNA strands have a directionality, and the different ends of a single strand are called the "3' end" and the "5' end." These terms refer to the carbon atom in ribose to which the next phosphate in the chain attaches. In addition to being complementary, the two strands of DNA are antiparallel: they are orientated in opposite directions. This directionality has consequences in DNA synthesis, because DNA polymerase can only synthesize DNA in one direction by adding nucleotides to the 3' end of a DNA strand.

in DNA replication, the leading strand is defined as the new DNA strand at the replication fork that is synthesized in the 5'→3' direction in a continuous manner.

on the other hand ,The lagging strand is the DNA strand at the opposite side of the replication fork from the leading strand, running in the 3' to 5' direction. Because DNA polymerase III cannot synthesize in the 3'→5' direction, the lagging strand is synthesized in short segments known as Okazaki fragments.


Determine the most stable secondary structure that can be formed from the RNA oligonucleotide 5’-GAGUGCGCGAGCCUCU-3’. Consider only Watson-Crick base-pairing


Complementarity is achieved through interactions between nucleobases. In the RNA, base complements are adenine - uracil (A-U) and guanine -cytosine (G-C). RNA secondary structure is achieved when two regions of one strand base pair and form a double helix.
Respecting the rule of complementarity and base-pairing, some of the bases will pair and some will not, as it can be seen on the image. The stability depends on helix length, base composition, and the number of mismatches.

Which gland sits atop each kidney?A. adrenal
B. thymus
C. pituitary
D. pancreas


The adrenal gland sits atop each kidney

What is the  adrenal gland

The adrenal glands are small, triangular-shaped endocrine glands located on top of each kidney. They are composed of two parts: the outer adrenal cortex and the inner adrenal medulla.

The adrenal glands play a crucial role in producing and releasing various hormones that are essential for regulating metabolism, responding to stress, maintaining fluid balance, controlling blood pressure, and supporting immune function.

The hormones produced by the adrenal glands include cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline (epinephrine), and noradrenaline (norepinephrine).

Read more on adrenal glands  here brainly.com/question/1406904


The adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys