________ is the predictable changes in the composition or structure of an ecological community.A. Ecological succession
B. Ecological regression
C. Ecological decline
D. Ecological mining


Answer 1
Answer:         Ecological succession is the phrase used to describe predictable changes in the composition or structure of an ecological community. Hope this helped!
Answer 2


The correct answer is A. Ecological succesion


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The best way to define military codes is : B. Secret languages used for communcuation
By using this, we minimized the risk of enemy listening to the conversation and managed to turn the condition over

Hope this helps


B. secret languages used for communication.


-Military code is a system of conventional symbols for the covert transmission of secret military information through communications equipment.

-For example; A United States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code (MOS code), is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United States Marines to identify a specific job.

Considering that we are all made up of the same 4 nucleotides in our DNA, the same 4 nucleotides in our RNA, and the same 20 amino acids in our proteins, why are we so different from each other?


The order that the nucleotide are arranged in form different 'codes' to create traits.RNA in human is used for transporting,and making the amino acids proteins.

The order of amino acid proteins also changes the polypeptide formed, changes more traits and characteristics.

Nucleotide in DNA contains four different nitrogenous bases-

  • Thymine
  • Cytosine
  • Adenine
  • Guanine

Pyrimidines: Cytosine and thymine each have a single six-member ring.

Purines:Guanine and adenine each have a double ring made up of a five-atom ring attached by one side to a six atom ring.

Therefore,they are different, due to nucleotide of our DNA contains four different nitrogenous bases.

To know more about the  DNA and RNA nucleotide follow the link:


The order that the nucleotides are arranged in form different "codes" to create traits. RNA in humans is used for transporting, and making the amino acid proteins. The order of amino acid proteins also changes the polypeptide formed, and changes more traits, and characteristics. Basically, it's like reading a book. Each book is made up of the same 26 letters, but their all arranged in different orders. You can find the some of the same words in another book, but no two books are exactly alike. All the letters and words are arranged in different ways, even though other books have the same letters and words. 

When the Linnaean system of classification was first developed in the early 1700s, it only had two kingdoms for living things, the plant and animal kingdoms. Three more kingdoms have been added since then, as well as a higher division of three domains. Why are we still using this system if we have to keep changing the way it is organized?


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: " we are still using this system if we have to keep changing the way it is organized because it is already more reliable and mostly used by the people. It has been through different ages."

Final answer:

The Linnaean system of classification is still used because it provides an internationally recognized method for organizing and identifying species. Changes to the Linnaean system, like the addition of more kingdoms and the domain division, represent advances in scientific knowledge. Despite the modifications, the fundamental purpose of classifying biological diversity remains intact, making the system robust and adaptable.


We continue to use the Linnaean system of classification because it provides an internationally accepted method of organizing the vast diversity of life on Earth. Just like a library uses a classification system to organize books, taxonomy helps to organize and identify the millions of species on Earth. Changes to the classification system over time, such as the addition of more kingdoms and the higher division of domains, reflect advances in our scientific understanding, especially in the realm of genetics and molecular biology.

Carl Linnaeus initially categorized life into two kingdoms: the plant and animal kingdom. But with the expansion of scientific knowledge, three more kingdoms have been added to include fungi, protists, and monera (bacteria), and three domains were introduced: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

These changes to the Linnaean system reflect the presence of more complex relationships among organisms than initially understood. The system remains robust and useful by accommodating changes based on new scientific discoveries and technological advancements. Its hierarchical nature allows it to be flexible and adaptable to incorporate new knowledge while maintaining its foundational purpose of classification. Hence, despite modifications made to this classification system since its inception, it continues to be the fundamental framework for typing biological diversity.

Learn more about Linnaean System of Classification here:



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companion cell

vascular parenchyma


companion cells. they are found only in the phloem.