After Hitler came to power in 1933, he blamed Germany's defeat in World War I on A. Jews and Gypsies.
B. Communists and American imperialists.
C. Communists and Socialists.
D. Jews and Communists.


Answer 1
Answer: Adolf Hitler blamed Germany's defeat in World War I on Jews and Communists

Hitler repeatedly cursed them for losing to Germany and for most of Germany's problems. As for Communists, Hitler had hatred towards them. One of the senses for the presence of the Nazi party was to take action against the Communists. Hitler even considered that the Germans and Communists were employed closely in a united scheme to end Germany. Hitler did not like the Gypsies either, but he did not accuse Germany's loss on them. 

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1. Democracy. The Constitution begins 'We the People of the United States', showing right from the get go that the US is run by The People. It's We The People who ordained the Constitution, make it legitimate, etc. The Constitution is clearly about one man/one vote, representatives elected by the people of each state, the president elected by delegates elected by the people. Originally Senators were elected by state legislatures, but they are elected directly now. 

And originally, the idea of who could vote was much more restrictive. Several amendments have widened the classification of 'voter'. People who used to be slaves, and women, in particular, have been added. 

2. Equality. The Constitution, and 'The American Way' allows for only one level of citizenship. ALL citizens (supposedly) have exactly the same rights and privileges under law. Anyway, that's the idea. In practice it doesn't always work that way. Again we've needed amendments to force states to accept blacks, naturalized citizens, etc., as full citizens. 

3. Freedom. This is the most subjective since everyone has a little different idea of freedom. Some people think 'freedom' means the right to carry a gun around wherever they want. But in reality our freedoms are protected by all the rest of the Bill of Rights. Freedom (to me) means you can't be arrested or punished unless it can be proven you did something wrong. You have the right to defend yourself, the right not to incriminate yourself, etc. Beyond that, we have the freedom to move around the country, pick a career, live wherever we want, work at any job where we can be hired, and basically to live our life with only as much govt. interference as necessary. 

4. Opportunity. All these things are connected. Opportunity is a form of freedom. It means that everyone can get a good education regardless of their parents' ability to pay. And that someone can rise as high in life as he is able, despite the place he was born or the condition of his family. Again, this is an ideal, in practice it doesn't always work out. Opportunity and what we call 'social mobility' is driven by education, and there are forces in the US that are trying to destroy public education so their own children will have an advantage over kids born poorer. 

5. Rights. Also related to the 'classless' society. Everyone has the same rights, including police and fire protection, use of public resources like roads and bridges and parks, freedom from persecution, the right to vote, to dissent and protest, to believe as they please, etc. etc.

How many nations were originally involved in the creation of the United Nations?44


None of these are the correct number. The United Nations were founded by 51 countries, so your safest bet would be to say 50 because it's the closest number to 51. You can check this easily in any encyclopedia. It could be because Poland was a bit late with the ratification.

On my test, the answer was "46"

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Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman.

Which World War II event occurred first?The United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.
President Harry Truman was sworn in to office.


He was sworn into office first.


President Harry Truman was sworn into office.


Harry Truman was sworn into office as the 33rd U.S. president on April 12th in 1945, following the death of President Franklin Roosevelt. While the two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki three months later, on August 6 and August 9, respectively, of that same year. Inevitably, Japan announced its surrender to the Allies six days later. And the following month, the war finally ended.

What did US car companies produce during World War II?


because in a war, lots and lots of money is coming out of people pockets for the damages and funeral and the cost for weapons. Plus, wars need vehicles to transport them so they might have been in need of a vehicle and went straight to the car companies which put money in the car companies pockets… they are all happy now! (except for the fact that is win or die in the war :/ )

US car industries production changed overnight during World War II. Instead of manufacturing automobiles parts it started producing variety of armament, vehicles for government. Chrysler Chevrolet started manufacturing nose section of the fuselage. It singly manufactured about 60,000 engines for Pratt &Whitney cargo and bomber planes along with 500,000trucks, 8 million artillery shells.

Further Explanation:

Automobile industry in US began early in 1890's Due to increase in the size of domestic market and demand, it rapidly emerged largest in the world. However his throne of being largest was taken by Japan in late 90's and then by China in 2008.Currently US hold the post of being second largest manufacturer in the world  

After the beginning of the Second World War and entry of US in the war, automobile manufacturing were ceased and forced to manufacture war related goods. In year 1942.Companies like Ford started manufacturing Willow Run and Chrysler started manufacturing Detroit Arsenal tank. Thousands of workers were hired to produce more and more war materials like armament, aircraft and military vehicles. Factories produced  surprising number of war related goods including an about 6 million weapons, 27,000 aircrafts and millions of truck s and tanks these production acted as boon for the and proved to be one of the reason for their victory.

Learn more

1. Which of these caused clashes between early European settlers and Native Americans?

2. When the united states decided to build a canal across central America, panama was?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: History

Chapter: World War II

Keywords: Japan, China Allies nation, Second World War, US, automobile industry, Ford, Willow Run, Chrysler, Detroit Arsenal tank

What way was the scientific revolution a cause of the enlightenment


The Scientific Revolution questioned superstition and traditional beliefs that had not been investigated.  The Enlightenment championed this approach to knowledge, emphasizing the use of reason in all matters, in contrast to following superstition or unquestioningly accepting traditional beliefs.  

The Scientific Revolution showed that there are natural laws in place in the physical world and in the universe at large.  Applying similar principles to matters like government and society, Enlightenment thinkers believed that using reason will guide us to the best ways to operate politically so we can create the most beneficial conditions for society.  For many Enlightenment thinkers, this included a conviction that all human beings have certain natural rights which are to be protected and preserved.    This led to changes of approach to how society should be governed -- moving away from ideas like the "divine right of kings" to the establishment of more democratic, constitutional societies.

The scientific Revolution was a time when science came to play in many peoples lives. Before then, the Bible, or church was the basis of many peoples lives. During the scientific revolution, science began to change the way people thought and even lived. People began questioning things, and much of the ideas of philosophy, astronomy and biology (just to name a few) were transformed, and led to many modern sciences that we now know of today. This inevitably led to the age of the enlightenment because this philosophy made people think, question, and use reason. People challenged traditional roles and customs, and began moving towards modernism. The Age of Enlightenment is not just one event, or one thought - but a series of characteristics, outlooks, thoughts and way of life. 

Hope this helped and Goodluck in your studies!