What Is Ethane? Can you help me?


Answer 1

Answer: an alkane


Answer 2
Answer: Ethane is gas used as fuel: a colorless odorless gas that is highly flammable.

I hope this answered your question

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B. milk turns sour.
C. melted butter solidifies in the refrigerator.


A. physical
B. Chemical 


A would be Physical

B would be Chemical

and C would be Physical


A would be physical because the wood is physically changing

B would be chemical because it's still milk but it now had clumps called curds and a very sour taste

C would be physical because the melted butter is physically changing from melted butter to solid butter.

Hope this helps.

Select the sentence that best describes why copper and some other metals are good conductors.Answer

Copper atoms have loosely held electrons; this means they can freely move in and out of the nucleus of the atom.

Copper atoms have a loosely held free electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms.

Copper and some other metals have highly active inner shells. This means that electrons can be freely exchanged between shells.

Copper has a small number of electrons; this means it can easily shed these electrons and take electrons from other atoms.


The correct answer for this question would be the second option. The statement that t describes why copper and some other metals are good conductors is that copper atoms have a loosely held free electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms. Hope this answer helps.

Answer: Option (b) is the correct answer.


Electronic configuration of copper is [Ar]4s1 3d^(10) and copper is known as the best conductor of heat and electricity.

This is because in copper there is availability of free electrons in its valence shell (outermost shell).  

And, as it is known that electricity is the flow of electrons. This means that since copper metal contains a number of free electrons. Hence, it can easily conduct electricity.

Thus, we can conclude that copper and some other metals are good conductors because copper atoms have a loosely held free electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms.

The first particles to evaporate from a liquid are those


the partials that evaporate from liquid is gas

The first particles to evaporate from a liquid are those at the surface with the highest kinetic energy. These particles have sufficient energy to overcome the intermolecular forces of the liquid and become a gas.

The first particles to evaporate from a liquid are those at the surface of the liquid that have the highest kinetic energy. Evaporation is a process that occurs when particles at a liquid's surface have sufficient energy to break free of the liquid's intermolecular forces and become a gas, such as when water boils to steam. This is why sometimes we see a liquid seeming to 'disappear' over time, like a puddle drying up in the sun - it's the liquid evaporating.

Particles must have enough energy for the liquid to overcome the forces that are keeping them in the liquid. This energy is more likely to be found in particles at the surface, as they are not surrounded by other particles on all sides and therefore experience less resistance to their motion.

Learn more about Evaporation here:



The basic points in Lewis and Langmuir theory of electrovalency


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Electrovalency is characterized with the transferring of one or more electrons from one atom to another together with the formation of ions and as well as the number of positive and negative charges. 

The Lewis and Langmuir theory of electrovalency (and as well as Kossel's) is dealing with Ionic bonds. 

Lewis: electron-pair sharing, octet rule, Lewis Symbols or StructureLangmuir: introduced term "covalent" bond, and popularized Lewis's ideas

The Lewis-Langmuir electron-pair or covalent bond is referred as the homopolar bond, where the complete transfer of electrons give rise to ionic, or electrovalent bond (1) through attraction of opposite charges.

Which statement describes a concept included in the wave-mechanical model of the atom?


The wave-mechanical model of the atom was proposed by Erwin Schrodinger that combined the works of Bohr and de Broglie. The electron was a three dimensional wave circling the nucleus in a whole number of wavelengths allowing the waveform to repeat itself as a stable standing wave (it can absorb energy form a nearby source which is oscillating at a proper frequency) representing the energy levels of Bohr model. He also said that Broglie’s model was correct about the matter waves and the electrons are located in the atomic space according to standing wave frequencies.

_____ is the element from which iron is taken.



Hematite is the element

Hematite is the element from which iron is taken.