Which of the following is true of a eukaryotic cell in a multicellular organism? a.possess ribosomes b. possess a cell membrane c. possess a nucleus d. possess cytoplasm e. able to perform all life functions f. possess DNA


Answer 1


c. possess a nucleus.


A eukaryotic cell may be unicellular or multicellular. Each cell possesses a well-defined or definite nucleus. Beside nucleus, each eukaryotic cell also has membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes, a cell membrane, cytoplasm and DNA are present in all the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  

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The exosphere is the uppermost layer, the highest, where the atmosphere thins out and merges with interplanetary (situated or traveling between planets) space. It is also located directly above the thermosphere. :)

When does differentiation begin in a human embryo? day 4-5 day 10 day 25-26 day 50



Option). 4-5 days.


Morula is a 4-5 days stage of early embryonic development. It represents a solid ball, having 16 cells, known as blastomeres. In human embryo, differentiation begins with morula stage, along with cleavage to form trophoblast (an outer layers of cell) and inner cell mass.

During development, trophoblast forms embryonic part of placenta and inner cell mass form respective structures of embryo.

Thus, the correct answer is option).4-5 days.


Day 4-5


The first cell differentiation occurs when the embryo reaches approximately five days after fertilization, forming the blastocyst.

In this case, the cells on the outside undergo the process of differentiation and become responsible for the formation of embryonic attachments (structures that derive from the embryo's germ leaflets but are not part of the embryo's body, such as the amnion).

In the meantime, those cells that remained inside, also undergoing the process of differentiation, become pluripotent stem cells, which are responsible and capable of forming all tissues.

Previously, when they are still undergoing the process of dividing up to 8 cells, each cell is capable of forming a complete being when inserted into an egg.

By going through the whole process and becoming pluripotent stem cells, they can form all kinds of body tissues, butno longer a complete being.

Erin is only 17 years old and her total cholesterol is 600 mg/dL. Why do you think her cholesterol is so much higher than the others in her family who have familial hypercholesterolemia?


Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder defined by having high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Maybe Erin doesn't care that much on having this disease. His lifestyle is not healthy. He does not exercise and eats everything he wants not thinking about the consequences that it may give.

Hypercholesterolemia can be defined as the genetic disorder in which the patient have abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol. The family of Erin suffers from familial hypercholesterolemia, so every member of the family have to take better care of what they eat, and exercise regularly to keep their cholesterol levels in check. All the members of the family are prone to high cholesterol levels as this is a genetic disorder. Erin probably does not pay attention to her diet and exercise and thus, she have such high levels of cholesterol as compared to her family members.

Why is it important for biologists tounderstand the different types of
interactions in an ecosystem?



So they Can work better and quicker

In which of the following are the amounts always equal in DNA?a.
adenine and guanine
cytosine and guanine
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cytosine and adenine


The answer to the question is C.

Which statement explains the effect if an inhibitor on an enzyme



The correct answer is B) a substrate will be unable to attach to the enzyme.


The enzyme binds to the substrate binds to proceed with the reaction. Enzyme attached to the active binding site of the substrate and form an enzyme-substrate complex to minimize the threshold of the reaction.

Inhibitor competes with the enzyme for the active binding site. Instead of the enzyme, the inhibitor binds with it and stops the reaction.

For more information, refer to the link


Enzyme Inhibitors are substances that change the speed of the enzyme by slowing it down or stopping it. You didn't include the answer choices but I would say that it would either be slowed down or stopped as an effect.