What is true about the Ice Age's effect on the Americas?A. The Southern Hemisphere was more affected by the Ice Age than the Northern Hemisphere.
B. The Northern Hemisphere was more affected by the Ice Age than the Southern Hemisphere.
C. All of South America was covered in ice, which is the reason why that region is less tropical than North America.
D. The only part of North America that was covered in ice was the Pacific west coast.


Answer 1
Answer: "B. The Northern Hemisphere was more affected by the Ice Age than the Southern Hemisphere" would be the best option, since the Ice Age stopped the melting of the northern polar ice caps, which had major effects on sea levels. 

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Need help with literature!!Hamlet act 1 questions

which characters are guessing about the behaviors of others in the first act? how are the characters testing each other?


- Which characters are guessing about the behaviors of others in the first act?

- Horatio is guessing about the behavior of the soldiers (Bernardo and Francisco). he believes they are imagining things about seeing a ghost.

- Queen Gertrude is guessing that her son Hamlet is only depressed bout his father's dead.

- Hamlet is guessing that all the public displays of mourning by Claudius are fake manifestations of emotion and that he only cares about the power of being King of Denmark and the pleasure of having taken Queen Gertrude as his wife. Hamlet is also guessing that his mother does not care about King Hamlet's death and is only happy to have a new husband share her bed. Furthermore, Hamlet is initially guessing about his own grief. Something bothers him enormously about the whole situation. He distrusts Claudius viscerally yet he is also uncertain of his own thoughts and emotions and even contemplates suicide. When he meets the Ghost he does not immediately accept the Ghost's accusation but decides to put King Claudius under surveillance and find out the truth.

- Claudius is guessing about Hamlet's moroseness as just being infantile emotional affectation.

- Laertes is guessing about Hamlet's affection for Ophelia to be just plain lust disguised as love.

- Polonius also thinks that Hamlet's feelings for Ophelia are only physical desire and considers that Ophelia's feelings for Hamlet are only childlish illusions.

- how are the characters testing each other?

- Horatio submits the soldiers to the production of actual evidence. He only believes them when he sees the Ghost himself. He even has the soldiers attack the ghost with spears to see if it is really a ghost.

- Being tested by Horatio, the soldiers ask him to test the Ghost since they respect him for being a scholar and they want him to use his knowledge to make sure what they have seen is not a figment of their imagination.

- Hamlet decides, after speaking with the Ghost, to test Claudius by feigning madness induced by grief, until he is able to prove or disprove the Ghost's accusations.

The entire act is a warning about how appearances can be deceiving.


How much did the government regulate business practices during the Gilded Age?


In general, there was practically no federal legislation during this time in the United States that significantly regulated businesses, which is why this was a time of great economic growth but also corruption, since many monopolies and "trusts" were allowed to form. 


the answer is c


Where might a slave captured farther south along the African coast, in the equatorial regions (around the equator), most likely have been shipped? A. North America B. South America C. the Ottoman Empire D. the islands of the Caribbean


I would say North America.

Under the caste system, all people in India:A. were equal under the law.
B. had a chance to become rich.
C. had to serve in the military.
D. were stuck in certain social classes.






D. Were stuck in certain social classes SUB


By 1900, 99 percent of Native Americans had accepted citizenship. (True/False)


Answer: True


The Snyder Act of 1924 admitted Native Americans born in the U.S. to full U.S. citizenship. Though the Fifteenth Amendment, passed in 1870, granted all U.S. citizens the right to vote regardless of race, it wasn't until the Snyder Act that Native Americans could enjoy the rights granted by this amendment.

One effect of the Alien and Sedition Acts was toA. limit the power of the Democratic Republican Party.

B. prevent juries from acquitting innocent immigrants.

C. provoke a crisis that briefly united the nation against France.

D. uphold the tradition of presuming a person innocent until proved guilty.


One effect of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to limit the power of the Democratic Republican party. This is because the Democratic Republican party was speaking out against the government. These acts eventually prompted and laid the foundation for our Freedom of Speech constitutional right.