Because the majority of the evening cable TVprograms available dealt with violence and sex, the
parents decided that the programs were
for the children to watch.
(A) exclusive
(B) acceptable
(C) instructive
(D) inappropriate
(E) unnecessary


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is (D) Inappropriate. 

Shows like that are definitely inappropriate and unacceptable for children to watch. 

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       A. Sentence 1   B. Sentence 5   C. Sentence 2   D. Sentence 3


The correct answer here is sentence 1, so the correct answer is A. The first sentence 'Scientists generally agree that Earth is getting warmer due to what's called the greenhouse effect' is the topic sentence because it sets up what the rest of the text is going to discuss. The other options as answers to this question are all just supporting sentences for this first topic sentence.

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O you with your passionate shriek for the rights of an equal
How often your Re-volution has proven but E-volution
Roll’d again back on itself in the tides of a civic insanity!

civil unrest



social justice



D.Social Justice


Final answer:

The Victorian theme in Alfred, Lord Tennyson's “Beautiful City” focuses on the societal upheaval brought by the Industrial Revolution, emphasizing demands for social justice and illuminating the cyclic and chaotic nature of revolutions.


The Victorian theme in the poem “Beautiful City” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson can be identified through its depiction of urban life and human rights. Tennyson, like many Victorian poets, addresses the profound social changes occurring due to the Industrial Revolution, including civil unrest, revolution, and confusion. One of the key themes seen is the clamor for social justice and equal rights for everyone, highlighted by the line 'O you with your passionate shriek for the rights of an equal humanity.' Additionally, Tennyson also discusses the chaotic nature of these societal shifts described as the 'center and crater of European confusion' and the cyclical nature of revolutions, often leading to chaos or 'civic insanity'.

Learn more about the Victorian theme in Beautiful City here:


Once again, Declan has failed to spike the ball over the net. His volleyball team is getting annoyed with him even though he is great during the rest of the game. Which of the following skills should Declan work on to improve his ability to spike the ball?Speed Agility Balance Power


The skill that Declan should work on to improve his ability to spike the ball is the last option - power. Since he cannot get the ball over the net, it means that he isn't strong enough to do that, or rather his technique doesn't have enough strength. Thus, what he needs to work on is power. Speed and agility refer to the same thing, and balance won't help him here.

The answer is power here !!

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B. Check her building’s foundation to ensure it is resistant to shaking caused by moving tectonic plates.
C. Buy a device that can predict earthquakes before they occur.
D. Be prepared to evacuate if steam or ash cloud eruptions are visible.


A. Educate herself on ground deformation that occurs before earthquakes

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In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout certainly struggles with the social desires that are imposed on her. Although she is young, the people around her continually try to remind her that she is supposed to behave like a "woman". Within the book, she is considered a spit; she goes into battle, dresses unexpectedly compared to other young women her age, and asks intense questions that make people humiliated and more chivalrous than their activities. All of these are things a young woman in the ancient South would not have had the power to do.

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true. some Roman cities still rely on aqueducts today.