In the poem “Prometheus” what does Prometheus criticize Zeus for? Being too involved in the lives of mortal men.

Not having enough “gauzy clouds” to cover his heavens.

Having too many demigod offspring from mating with mortal women.

Not actually being responsible for the things Prometheus has accomplished.


Answer 1
Answer: Excerpt from the poem: "Thy Godlike crime was to be kind, 
         To render with thy precepts less 
         The sum of human wretchedness, 
And strengthen Man with his own mind; 
But baffled as thou wert from high, 
Still in thy patient energy, 
In the endurance, and repulse 
         Of thine impenetrable Spirit, 
Which Earth and Heaven could not convulse.."
If you read the poem you can tell he is telling him that by mixing in with the lives of mortals, he is only brought despair, because he lives forever while the do not and his attachments only end in pain and death.
Answer: Being too involved in the lives of mortal men. 

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Final answer:

To ensure a positive next visit for a difficult client, the salon manager could acknowledge the client's previous complaints, assure them the issues are taken seriously, personally manage the next visit, and perhaps suggest a different cosmetologist.


As a salon manager, it's important to maintain a positive relationship with all clients, even those seen as difficult. The salon manager could start by acknowledging the client's complaints and reassure them that their concerns are being taken seriously.

The next step is to frame a positive outcome for the next visit. For example, the manager might say 'We're committed to providing you with a service that you're pleased with. At your next appointment, I’ll personally ensure that the cosmetologist assigned to you understands your preferences and works diligently to meet them.'

This shows that the manager values the client and intends to provide a better service during the next visit. It might also help to suggest a different cosmetologist who might be a better fit - if one is available.

Furthermore, the manager might also say 'Your satisfaction is our top priority.' This is a powerful statement that gives the client confidence that they are important. '

Learn more about difficult client here:


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Oedipus achieved honor, glory, richness and power that was totally provoked by the curse he had, causing all this to be transformed into suffering, sadness and tears.


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Answer: Man vs. Society


Process of Elimination:

its not man vs. self,  as Domino isn't fighting himself.

its not man vs. man, unless a hacker is controling the robots.

its not man vs. nature, because robots do not occur naturally.

Because "Man" has became completely dependent on computers, the society is always relying on them, and if something is wrong, the society shouldn't have completely depended on computers.

To conclude the question your answer would be, Man vs Society.