which sentence illustrates an incorrect use of a comma./a the teacher , and her students went on a field trip . b john, mike, and paul play together in a band , c the milk which had been sitting out too long started to curdle. d first we picked frances at the train station , and then we all went to the museum.


Answer 1
Answer: its either B or C .. If the comma is suppose to come after band then its that one but C needs one.. ¨the milk, which had been sitting out too long, started to curdle.¨ and B should be ¨ John, Mike, and Paul, play together in a band.

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Which sentence does not contain any errors in comma usage? A. In a pool or at a beach, lifeguards are often on duty. B. In a pool, or at a beach, lifeguards are often on duty. C. In a pool, or, at a beach, lifeguards are often on duty. D. In a pool or at a beach lifeguards are often on duty. A?!
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Read this excerpt from "Ulysses" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:In offices of tenderness, and pay Meet adoration to my household gods, When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail: There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners, Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me-- That ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed Free hearts, free foreheads-- you and I are old; What image does this line create of the ships, which is enhanced by the caesura? There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail: A. It states in a matter-of-fact way that going out to sea is what ships do. B. It points out how powerless the ships are as they meet the dangers of the ocean. C. It enhances the mystery surrounding traveling on the ocean. D. It calls attention to the impending disaster awaiting ships leaving port. It emphasizes the urgency that is typical of sailors and their travels
Read this excerpt from "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. In what way is the Lady of Shalott symbolic of an artist such as a poet?There she weaves by night and day A magic web with colours gay. She has heard a whisper say, A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot. She knows not what the curse may be, And so she weaveth steadily, And little other care hath she, The Lady of Shalott. A.) She is forced into isolation from the real world by devotion to her craft. B.) She is aware of the existence of her curse although she doesn't know its origin. C.) She devotes night and day to her craft and thinks of it as magical. D.) She has no interest in social concerns because they aren't relevant to her craft.
Which transition word is also used to indicate a summary?alsolastlyafterinstead

Check my answers!?2. Dramatic irony occurs when a character on stage is not aware of something the audience or reader knows to be true. In Act V, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet, why are the following lines of Romeo dramatically ironic?

Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty,
Thou art not conquered. Beauty's ensign yet
Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,
And death's pale flag is not advanced there.

A: Death is associated with a pale flag rather than a black one.
B: Unknown to Romeo, Juliet is not really dead
C: Romeo hopes against hope that Juliet may still be alive.
D: Romeo realizes that the fued between the Capulets and the Montagues will never end. (my answer)



B: Unknown to Romeo, Juliet is not really dead.


Romeo sees Juliet in the tomb, dead-like, and says that she doesn't look dead. That is circumstance incongruity he doesn't know that she isn't dead and portrays her he sees her.

It is B. In the passage, Romeo sees her in the tomb, dead-like, and says that she does not look dead. That is situation irony- he is not aware that she is not dead and describes her as it is. Only the audience notices that.

Symbols placed above vowels and some consonants in order to aid pronunciation are called _____.marks
diacritical marks
accent points
phonemic indicators


These are called diacritical marks: they aid pronunciation by pointing to the fact that the vowel or a consonant is pronounced differently then without it. This can refer to a different phoneme, different allophone or other aspects, such as tone.


diacritical marks


Alliteration is generally used for all of the following purposes except to__________.a. establish a rhythm
c. clarify an argument
b. emphasize an idea
d. impart a musical quality


I agree with the person above, the correct answer is C) clarify an argument. Alliteration is repetition of consonants in words. It is used to establish a rhythm, emphasize an idea, and impart a musical quality.  


Clarify an argument


Alliteration is a device that is basically of form or syntactic. That makes the purpose of establishing a rhythm and imparting musical quality kind of obvious. Why are they used? To emphasize an idea. On the other hand, Clarifying an argument would need a device that focuses more on semantic or meaning.

Which of the following root words means “bad”?a. Mal-
b. Memor-
c. Andro-
d. Ceram-


The Latin root word mal means “bad” so the correct answer is a- Mal.  For instance, someone can have a malfunctioning kidney, which is badly functioning. Another example could be, a child who has a bad nutrition it can also say a child is suffering from malnutrtition.

The root word that means "bad" is mal-. It is commonly used in words like malfunction and malicious, which both describe something that is bad or harmful.

The root word that means "bad" is mal-. It is commonly used in words like malfunction and malicious, which both describe something that is bad or harmful. The other root words listed, memor-, andro-, and ceram-, do not have meanings related to "bad".

Learn more about Root Words here:



What is the function of the relative pronoun in the clause? Howard Carter, whose tenacity was unmatched in searching for King Tut's tomb, led to the discovery of this buried treasure. A. object of a preposition B. subject C. possessive D. direct object


d. direct object 
 source: process of elimination
The correct answer is D

Which words in the sentence are the complete noun clause?My younger brother complains about whatever is on his plate.
A. Whatever is on his plate
B. My younger brother
C. On his plate
D. My younger brother complains about whatever


noun clauses or dependent clauses are the part(s) of a sentence that cannot stand on their own as a complete thought, so in this sentence it would be C. On his plate because it does not sound like a complete thought on its own.