Who was the first to observe and describe cells, by noting that the cells in a wine cork resembles the living quarters of monks or prisoners?


Answer 1

The correct answer is Robert Hooke.  

The invention of the microscope is one of the most essential discoveries ever made by the scientists. Robert Hooke in 1965, witnessed a slice of thin cork beneath the microscope and witnessed minute spaces, which appeared like small rooms combined together.  

As they appeared like the tiny quarter of prisoners or monk he named the structures as cells.  

Answer 2

This was Scientist Hooke... he was once in jail and that may have been one of the reasons he made the connection to the cells shape and called them what they are today :)

lol we just learned this biology earlier this week and I'm so proud of myself that I remember :)

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Lysosomes is to vacuole as cleaning is to





Both lysosomes are vacuoles are cell organelles. Lysosomes are the membrane-bound organelles filled with hydrolytic enzymes. The function of lysosomes is to digest the worn-out part of cells, pathogens, the biological molecules, etc. The presence of various digestive enzymes allows them to digest the worn-out cells, organelles and entered pathogens.

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They are used by the call for storage. Each has a different action, vacuole holds water while a lysosome usually handle the breakdown of cellular waste. 

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Organelle is nonliving because it doesn't need water to stay alive or air or food.
Hope I helped:P  

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the shape of a finch's beak is an example of a adaptation because the shape and size of there beak  helps them get whatever food is available to them. for example, a finch with a flat, wide beak is better adapted to eating berries and cracking nuts and seeds. 

hopefully my answer helps you

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: Aerobic Respiration by definition is the process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen. If the aerobic respiration process broke down in a tropical rain forest, then the tropical rain forest cannot produce foods.

Where do plants get the carbon they use to make organic molecules?


Most of it comes from the carbon dioxide in the air they breathe.
They get it from people. When people exhale, they expel carbon dioxide which plants take in and use for photosynthesis. Just like we breathe in oxygen that plants give us, plants take in carbon dioxide that we give them.

Give Reason:-1)Vegetables release water after salt is added to them

2) Nucleus is absent in red blood cells

3) The skin of your fingers shrinks when you wash clothes for a long time

4) Inner membrane of mitochondria is folded

5) Vegetable vendors regularly sprinkle water on the vegetables in their baskets.

6)Endocytosis occurs only in animals


reason :
there are two reasons for this due to attraction of positive salt ions or negative water ions or it happens because the vegetable has more concentration of water init while in surrounding has low concentration of water so they try to lose water to attain equilibrium with respect to their surrounding...this is called osmosis...
2 reason:
due to absence of nucleus in red blood cells it is biconcave in shape,,,,
it is absent so that RBCs have more space to carry out oxygen 
also this absence make the cell able to bend whenever it is passed through bloodstream:)
3 reason:
our skin in water shrinks because the outermost layer of our skin swells by absorbing water but at the same time underneath layer gets tightly attach to it ,,,to compensate the surface area so it seems shrink...
4 reason:
to increase the surface area as a result of which large and faster production of ATPs takes place ...
5 reason:
so that vegetables do not get dry ,,, because they dry they do not look fresh...
6 reason:
endocytosis is a process in which cell membrane engulfs material... but in plant cell cell membrane is not present they have cell walls :)

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