Read "The Tortoise and the Hare." What is the Hare thinking about while he's asleep? In a paragraph of at least three sentences, write a dream sequence to add to the fable. A Hare was one day making fun of a Tortoise for being so slow upon his feet. "Wait a bit," said the Tortoise; "I'll run a race with you, and I'll wager that I win." "Oh, well," replied the Hare, who was much amused at the idea, "let's try and see"; and it was soon agreed that the fox should set a course for them, and be the judge. When the time came both started off together, but the Hare was soon so far ahead that he thought he might as well have a rest: so down he lay and fell fast asleep. Meanwhile the Tortoise kept plodding on, and in time reached the goal. At last the Hare woke up with a start, and dashed on at his fastest, but only to find that the Tortoise had already won the race.

(sorry this is a lot.. but you get 21 points.. i'm horrible everything english && im really behind) + no stolen work.


Answer 1
Answer: As the hare fell asleep, he saw the tortoise so far back he was a speck of green. As he slept, he dreamed of him racing across the finish line with the tortoise lagging so far behind he could not be seen. As he crossed the finish line, all the animals congratulated him. When the tortoise at last reached the finish line, he was ridiculed by the other animals. Suddenly, he heard the plod of heavy feet, slow and steady.

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In the excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Ivan Ilyich uses the Caius allusion to deal with his impending death by employing logic even with his last moments in his life. He attempts to make sense of his death with logic alluded by Caius' analogy. 

Answer: 1 and 4

Explanation: Bc it shows that he realizes he is running out of life’s



If I am thinking correct that is correct
Answer: B emotional.
This is because your statement is a emotional statement, leaving you with the correct answer of B

What does the root in permit mean?A) to send
B) to hold
C) to enjoy
D) to write


The root in permit means:

A. to send

The root word is "mit" which comes from a Latin word. Permit means allowing something, or letting it pass, not obstructing it.  

A) to send, its simliar to let allow the doing of (something) so yeah.

Which statement BEST describes the theme of "Initiation"?


Okay since there are no answers to go off of i found this : Initiative is an introductory act or step; leading action. Example: to take the initiative in making friends.(you could simply look up the definition)
Hope this helps! :)

__________ is a Latin word for a reference book containing the definitions of words.A) Annual

B) Dictionary

C) Encyclopedia


B) Dictionary. Most people look in dictionaries to find the meanings/ definitions of words.