Please Help With These: Of these four words, which one is most likely to have a negative flavor?
A. Distract
B. Meander
C. Harangue
D. Confound
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect

5. Which statement is most accurate regarding the speaking-writing connection?
A. The words used by writers are not normally used in speaking.
B. To own a word, write it over and over again.
C. Written words seldom reflect the words people use when they speak.
D. To own a word, speak it.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

7. When using direct quotations in your writing, which of the following should be placed outside the set of quotation marks?
A. Comma
B. Semicolon
C. Question mark
D. Period
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect

8. Which of the following words is the best close-up word?
A. Vegetable
B. Food
C. Plant
D. Zucchini
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

9. Which one of the following sentences or phrases is most likely to be considered a cliché?
A. When in doubt, pout.
B. Look before you leap.
C. Are you a man or a moose?
D. How dead is a dead doornail?
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect

11. What is the most important point in the following sentence?
My sister, Emily, the tallest girl in her class, has many friends.

A. My sister's name is Emily.
B. Emily is my sister.
C. Emily is the tallest girl in her class.
D. Emily has many friends.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

13. Anna is an exceptional young girl. _______ Anna does any job that needs to be done.
To vary the sentence structure, which one of the following sentences should you insert in the blank?

A. Have you noticed how hard she works?
B. Anna is a hardworking and versatile person.
C. Anna works hard every day of her life.
D. Anna is always working hard at home.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

16. Which one of the following sentences is written in the active voice?
A. Accidents are considered by most people as unavoidable.
B. Accidents are witnessed every day.
C. Few people think seriously of doing something about accidents.
D. It is said that definite steps can be taken to prevent many accidents.
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect

17. Which of the following statements about vocabulary building is not correct?
A. Reading on a daily basis is very important for building your vocabulary.
B. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to memorize lists of vocabulary words.
C. Pronunciation is an important part of adding new words to your vocabulary.
D. Using the dictionary is only one step in the process of vocabulary building.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect


Answer 1
Answer: 1) The word which most likely to have a negative flavor if C. Harangue. This task is asking you to look through the given options and according to their definition choose the one that takes part in negative context. The definition of harangue explains that this is a long unpleasant speech that can be described as a verbal attack which creates quite negative mood.2) The statement which is most accurate regarding the speaking-writing connection is A. The words used by writers are not normally used in speaking. This task requires your acknowledgement in basics of rhetoric which devoted to relationship between speaking and writing and the main point which characterize it is that people and writers usually employ different language as writes can vary the ways of figurative languages that they use in their works.3) When using direct quotations in your writing, the punctuation mark which should be placed outside the set of quotation marks is B. Semicolon. This task is devoted to the main punctuation rules and you should remember that semicolon is always applied outside the quotation marks as it connect two parts of direct quotation that might have been separated by words of author or conjunctions.4) The word which is the best close-up word is D. Zucchini. When you are asked to determine the best close-up words it means that you have to move from general to specific point and the specific one is the answer that you are looking for. All the options besides zucchini abring general meaning as they embrass different classes and types, and zucchini is a specific word that is plant which is a vegetable and it is our food.5) The following sentence or phrase which most likely to be considered a cliché is B. Look before you leap. To recognize a cliche in particular phrase or sentence you just have to know whether it is a common, stereotyped expression or not. ‘’Look before you leap’’ is an idiom which belongs to cliches as it is an expression that is commonly used to warn someone to be careful.6) The most important point in the following sentence is D. Emily has many friends. Your task is to identify the part of the sentence which put under the emphasis, but you can be distracted by the relative clauses. Just think of the sentence and guess the main idea, decide which part plays main role and which is characterize or adds information. The relative clause “ the tallest girl in her class’’ is just adds some details to her personality, but the message is that she has a lot of friends.7) To vary the sentence structure, the sentences which you should insert in the blank is A. Have you noticed how hard she works? This task is asking you to make the sentence look and sound more combined, more alive by changing a structure of the next sentence so that it can be read 'smoothly'. All the options except A repeat the same or similar structure as in the given sentence whereas A appeals to readers and enriches the structer of Ann's characteristics at the same time.8) The sentence which is written in the active voice is C. Few people think seriously of doing something about accidents. You have to know the main difference between the active and passive which is : active - the subject of the sentence performs the action; passive - the action is performed upon the sentence subject, so sometimes you can come across the action that was performed without subject at all.9) The statement about vocabulary building which is not correct is B. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to memorize lists of vocabulary words. The rest of options represent correct statements and some of them are useful for people who want to enrich their vocabulary. Simple memorizing is not a good idea, because the knowledge comes with context, the more you read (come across) words the more you add it in your daily use list of words, as vocabulary should be expanded gradually and naturally which is essential.

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Read these lines from the speech:“Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why he wanted to climb it. He said, "Because it is there."”
Why did Kennedy use this example?
A. to draw the new generation to adventure sports and mountain climbing
B. to emphasize his point that the human spirit is indomitable
C. to emphasize that people should take interest in space exploration
D. President Kennedy was praising the university’s role in promoting space travel.


the answer would be C. to emphasize that people should take interest in space exploration

in "the most dangerous game" the character of zaroff serves as a(n) ____ to the protagonist, sharply contrasting rainsfords personality.


In "the most dangerous game" the character of Zaroff serves as an antagonist to the protagonist, sharply contrasting Rainford's personality.  The character of General Zaroff is trying to murder Rainsford on Ship-Trap Island in the story. When the narration begins, Zaroff is seen as a civilized upper-class man, who is into literature and has a sophisticated pallet. But he is a maniacal murder, whose pleasure consists in hunting humans on his private island.

Zaroff serves as an antagonist to the protagonist

ANSWER:In sentence 9 (reproduced below), which version of the underlined text best maintains the tone of the passage? Partly because viral content often makes people get all weepy, social media has also provided powerful fund-raising opportunities.

as it is now A

hits people right in the stomach B

manipulates people’s emotions C

{has a strong emotional appeal D} this is the answer

wrings tears from its viewers E


The paragraph is discussing about the impact of social media in different fields. The version of the underlined text that best maintains the tone of the passage is option D: has a strong emotional appeal.

Power of social media

The answer has been explained further below:

  • Social media has allowed any information to be spread on a global level in a matter of minutes.

  • The way in which information is easily spread these days has become beneficial to researchers as well to study more about animal habits.

  • The passage talks about examples where people became emotional watching videos of animals and started donating towards various organisations to help.

  • Basically, such videos have an emotional appeal and therefore, they become viral.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Learn more about the impact of social media here:

Answer: (D) - has a strong emotional appeal

Explanation: Got this correct on AP classroom question & checked the results and was correct :))

In the excerpt of Puck’s speech SHOWN HERE, how many couplets do you see?If we shadows have offended,

Think but this, and all is mended,

That you have but slumber'd here

While these visions did appear.

And this weak and idle theme,

No more yielding but a dream,






1- Offended/Mended
2- Here/Appear
3- Theme/Dream
So the answer is 3
Glad to help

Which of the following sentences uses dashes correctly?A. I have learned -- a lot in this class.
B. The most important part of the movie-- as defined by the film teacher -- is the conclusion
C. My film teacher teaches all about -- movies, scripts, and dramas.
D. There are several movies that can only be seen on old movie projectors --or at the library.



B. The most important part of the movie-- as defined by the film teacher -- is the conclusion


Dashes add information to a sentence that cna be understood without the extra information given by the dashes, in this case the only sentence that has the dashes giving extra information that is important for the sentence but it´s not vital and the sentence can be understood without is is the option B, since the "As defined by the film teacher" adds information to the sentence, but without it you can still inderstand the sentence.

b.  The dashes can also be replaced with a comma if you want a shorter/lighter pause

Which act helped the American Indians in keeping their burial land protected?


It's the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. The act is helps make museums and other agencies to return the human remains of the American Indians. It also helped preserve the funerary and other sacred relics of the tribes to further prove that it belonged to the Indians, and to preserve their honor as well.


Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act
