Which word in the sentence is the appositive? My favorite flavor of ice cream, peppermint, was out of stock.a. flavor
b. favorite
c. stock
d. peppermint


Answer 1
Answer: An appositive is something that renames the subject.  The subject is ice cream.  Peppermint renames ice cream. The answer is d.

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Match the name to the description.1. Polyphemus
Odysseus's mother
2. Lotus-eaters
companion of Odysseus who died at Circe's house
3. Cicones
Phaeacian prince
4. Scylla
King of Phaeacia
5. Elpenor
sea monster with six dog heads
6. Laodamas
friendly drug addicts
7. Tiresias
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8. Anticleia
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9. Alcinous


1. Polyphemus: Cyclops
2. lotus-eaters: friendly drug addicts
3. Cicones: enemies who killed six men from each of Odysseus's ships
4. Scylla: sea monster with six dog heads
5. Elpenor: companion of Odysseus who died at Circe's house
6. Laodamas: Phaeacian prince
7. Tiresias: dead seer who tells Odysseus's future
8. Anticleia: Odysseus's mother
9. Alcinous: King of Phaecia
  1. Polyphemus: Cyclops; He tries to eat Odysseus and his crew soon after leaving troy and gets blind by him, he´s also one of Poseidon´s sons.
  2. Lotus-eaters: friendly drug addicts;  They were a race of people living on an island dominated by lotus plants, its flowers were the primarily food and its narcotics effects cause that the population slept peacefully.  
  3. Cicones: enemies who killed six men from each of Odysseus´s ships; They were a tribe who lived in Ismara on the south of Thrace. Odysseus and his crew took them for surprise at first and killed tha vast majority of the men but then reinforcement came and forced them to flee in their ships.
  4. Scylla: sea monster with six dog heads; It was a monster that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water.
  5. Elpenor: companion of Odysseus who died at Circe´s house; He was the youngest comrade of Odysseus crew , on Circe´s island he became drunk and climbed into the roof to sleep, when he awoke the next day fell off the stairs and broke his neck.
  6. Laodamas: Phaecian prince
  7. Tiresias: dead seer who tells Odysseus´s future; He showed him how to get back to Ithaca and also allowed him to comunicate with the soul in Hades.
  8. Anticleia: Odysseus´s mother; He met with her on his trip to the Hades and told him how his wife and son were.
  9. Alcinous: King of Phaecia; Offers Odysseus his hospitality and provides him safe passage back to Ithaca.


Which statement best describes the government in "Harrison Bergeron"?A. The government is an unseen power that is enforced by robotic police.
B. Ordinary people pass and enforce laws by popular vote.
C. An emperor, who does not have handicaps, runs the government.
D. The government uses deadly force to ensure equality.


The government in Harrison Bergeron (D) uses deadly force to ensure equality.

When Harrison and the ballerina take off their handicaps and dance beautifully in the television studio, the Handicapper General enters the studio and kills them with a gun.

I believe the answer is: D. The government uses deadly force to ensure equality.

In the story, the United Sates government in 2081 use military force to ensure inequality by punishing the people with more talent/capabilities so the people who had no talent could achieve equality of outcome.

The author meant to point out that equality of outcome could never be achieved since people born with different talents and implement different efforts.

Which word best describes the speaker’s attitude in the first two stanzas of "It’s This Way"? Click here to read the poem. subdued joyous furious restrained


subdued     i hope this helps :)
it would be subdued this time

Charles Dickens wrote about the debtor's prisons that were used since the dark ages


Correct again still a genuis

How does the focus of the primary source article "Mrs. Hossack a Murderess" differ from the Midnight Assassin excerpt?


The article portrays Mrs. Hossack as only potentially dangerous, while the excerpt presents two very different images of her.

D:The article proposes that Mrs. Hossack was guilty of murder, while the excerpt suggests her innocence.

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