Wilhelm IV promised the Prussian people a what but never gave it to them


Answer 1
Answer: Constituition, but gave up the throne unwillingly.
Answer 2
Answer: He promised the people a constitution but then gave up the throne so therefore it was never written.

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_____________ was the first African American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He won this for his peacemaking efforts in Palestine.


The correct answer is: Ramph Bunche.

He was a political scientist and a diplomat, involved in the establishment and the work of United Nations. He was also UN's chief diplomat between the Jewish and the Palestinian sides of the Israeli-Arab conflict in late 1940s and he was a key to 1949 armistice agreement. 

The religious groups who settled in North America were persecuted in England because they _ a) criticized the church of England which was against the law.
b. lived in religious communities .
c. dressed differently from the other people in England
d. build their houses in hilltops .


The religious groups who settled in North America were persecuted in England because they b) lived in religious communities. These religious communities were quite different than the majority of Protestants in England, even though they were both Christians. Puritans were more hard line, and this is one of the reasons they were persecuted, because they were seen as sects.
a) criticized the church of England which was against the law.

The majority ethnic group in Rwanda is the?



Option A, Hutu


Options that do not make sense:  Options A, C, D

Options that makes sense:  Option B, Hutu

Answer:  Option A, Hutu

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b. Rhode Island
c. South Carolina
d. New Jersey


It was "New Jersey" that called for equal representation in Congress, in contrast to Virginia, which wanted representation to be based on population size in the state. The Connecticut Compromise brought together both ideas. 


New Jersey


Which was common to all greek city-states?


The Greek city-states were connected through a shared religion, language, and culture. All people who lived within the Greek city-states identified with being a Greek citizen. In the ancient world, the Greek identity was associated with a number of poignant images such as democracy, equality, oligarchy, a vibrant culture, war-hardened soldiers and refined social life. The Greek civilization comprised of several city-states which were often at war to assert their dominance over each other, and also for the age-old motives of territory acquisition.  Despite being separated by a plethora of cultures and boundary walls of different city-states, they could find a shared commonality within religion and script. All Greek city-states revered the Greek gods, who were believed to be guardians of this Great Civilization, and every aspect of work, learning, trade, or education was associated with the talents of one or multiple gods. The idea of a Pantheon of Gods coincided with the formation of societal links between various Greek civilizations.  

Further Explanation-

Belief in the Religious Pantheon of Greece was a shared heritage enjoyed by all Greek citizens. Zeus, the King of Gods, presided over his family, his wife Hera and his children, who were associated with reigning over different aspects of life within Greece. The family of Gods was constructed within a patriarchal structure, which was mirrored exactly in the societal structures of Ancient Greek civilizations. Thus, religion had a very important role to play in determining how Greek societies would be formed, how women would be situated and how their freedom would be determined. All social relations and activities within Greek city-states were determined by religious corpus, which also united all Greek city-states when required.  

Learn more:

1. According to Roger Williams, how did the English usually justify their attacks on the Indians?


2. How did Gertrude stein influence the career of Pablo Picasso in Paris at the start of the twentieth century?


Answer Details-

Grade- Graduation

Chapter- The Ancient Greek Civilization.

Subject- History


City-states, religion, patriarchal societies, territory acquisition, Greek Pantheon, Greek Gods.  

What they had in common was religion. Its moment of greatest splendor was the V century before christ. They were merchants and settled generally in territories with access to sea, because this was a way to trade. When an island occupied by them began to overpopulate a man with everrything necessary for subsistence was chosen and families that accompanied him looked for a territory in wich they settled. Once were established they created their own laws and were engaged in trade as a way of life and there was no rivalry between them, that is, all greeks lived from trade and once they left and occupied new territory were independent. They created a new state that had its own king. Although they had the same religion and the same origin and spoke the same language they were different.